20 Marriage Tips for Christian Couples

marriage marriage tips Aug 11, 2016

Dear Sisters in Christ,

This week my husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. Twenty years of marriage, laughter, adventures, and God's blessings! In this journey, we've learned valuable lessons, and I want to share 20 tips for Christian couples. These tips are grounded in love, faith, and wisdom, which I've found essential in nurturing a strong, lasting marriage.

  1. Marriage as 100/100: Marriage isn't a fixed 50/50 effort; it's about both partners giving their all, every day, as Christ selflessly loves the Church (Ephesians 5:25). Sometimes, it may require giving more when your spouse needs it most, knowing they'd do the same for you.

  2. God First: Prioritize God in your lives and marriage, seeking His guidance in all things (Matthew 6:33). A strong marriage is founded on a strong relationship with God, and by putting Him first, you'll better understand your spouse's importance in your life.

  3. Continual Courtship: Marriage should never be the end of dating; it should be a reason to continue. Plan regular date nights to keep the romantic fire burning (Song of Solomon 1:2). Nurturing your love story is essential in keeping the bond alive.

  4. A Little Games Go a Long Way: Simple games and activities can create cherished memories. Even with a tight budget, creativity can make your time together special, helping you bond and laugh together. Remember to be gracious in both victory and defeat.

  5. Sleep With Separate Blankets: It's okay to have differences in how you rest. If your sleeping preferences vary, don't compromise your sleep quality. Separate blankets are a practical solution to ensure you both sleep peacefully (1 Peter 3:7).

  6. Share a Checking Account: Sharing a joint checking account symbolizes unity in your finances. Working together to budget and save encourages transparency and fosters a sense of 'our' money rather than 'mine' or 'yours' (Proverbs 22:7).

  7. Stay Out of Debt: Avoid the temptation of immediate gratification and the burden of debt. Living within your means can relieve financial stress and let you focus on building a stable future together (Romans 13:8).

  8. Pay Your Tithing: Dedicate the first fruits of your income to God through tithing. This act of faithfulness will open doors and blessings beyond measure. It's a profound expression of trust in God's provision (Malachi 3:10).

  9. Pray Together Daily: Sharing your faith journey through daily prayer can bring couples closer. It allows you to express gratitude, seek guidance, and strengthen your bond as you communicate with God together (James 5:16).

  10. Teach & Work with Your Children: Passing on values and working together as parents builds a strong family unit. Regularly teaching your children principles like honesty and hard work is a gift that will serve them throughout their lives (Deuteronomy 6:7).

  11. Tag Team: There will be days when one of you is exhausted and needs a break. Embrace the 'tag team' approach—when your spouse is struggling or needs respite, offer your support and give them the rest they require. It's a way to share the load and show you're there for each other (Galatians 6:2).

  12. Be Faithful: In a world filled with temptation, remain steadfast in your commitment to each other. Fidelity is a sacred covenant, and while challenges may arise, choose to love your spouse and grow old together (Proverbs 5:18-19).

  13. Be Patient: Marriage demands patience, as you'll see each other at your best and worst. Be patient with one another's quirks, and approach challenges together through open communication (Ephesians 4:2).

  14. Say "I'm Sorry" Often: Recognize that disagreements happen. Learn to apologize sincerely, whether you are at fault or not. It's a powerful act of humility and reconciliation that can mend the smallest and greatest of wounds (Colossians 3:13).

  15. Share Common Interests: Find activities you both enjoy and engage in them regularly. Pursuing shared hobbies strengthens your bond, making your relationship more exciting and harmonious (Amos 3:3).

  16. Be a Supportive Spouse with Talent Development: Support each other's growth by encouraging the development of individual talents. Sometimes, you'll be the one supporting, other times, you'll be the one seeking support (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

  17. Do Things They Love: Sometimes, it's worth participating in activities your spouse loves. Whether it's watching a football game or attending a play, showing interest in their passions strengthens your connection (Philippians 2:3-4).

  18. Help Each Other Around the House: Break free from traditional gender roles and work together on household chores. Communicate and share responsibilities, ensuring your home runs smoothly (1 Peter 4:10).

  19. Show Love and Affection: Learn your spouse's love language, and use it to express your affection. Hugs, kisses, acts of service, quality time, and affirming words are all meaningful ways to show your love (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

  20. Say "I Love You" Often: Conclude each day and conversation with "I love you." Remind your spouse of your love through words and actions to create a warm, secure, and affectionate atmosphere (Proverbs 18:21).

 In conclusion, marriage is a beautiful journey that requires faith, love, and effort. May these tips help Christian couples grow in love, unity, and the blessings of a God-centered marriage.

With love,

Tamara K. Anderson