7 Tips to Help Parents of Tantruming Children with Autism

autism kindness parenting special needs Apr 19, 2018

Dear Fellow Warriors of Light,

In the spirit of Autism Awareness Month, I'd like to share some insights into what it means to stand by a parent of a tantruming autistic child. Having walked this challenging path, I've encountered both judgment and kindness during these difficult moments. Let's choose kindness. Here are seven ways to help:

  1. Don't Judge: You can't know the full story. Show compassion instead.

  2. Be Kind: Smile kindly. Don't pass judgment; understand it's often about coping with the circumstances given.

  3. Ask if You Can Help: If comfortable, offer assistance. A treat may help calm the child.

  4. Run Interference: Keep an eye on other children or belongings if needed.

  5. Don't Call Security or Police: Unless requested, avoid involving authorities.

  6. Don't Film It: Resist the urge to record someone's hardship.

  7. Say a Prayer: If you're inclined, offer a silent prayer for both the adult and child.

During Autism Awareness Month, let's remember that kindness matters, regardless of our differences. To all autism parents, keep going, and know you're not alone. Share this message to inspire hope in others.

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." - John 13:34 (KJV)

With love and understanding, 

Tamara K. Anderson