9 Tips to Balance Screen Time with Kids Like a Pro!

electronics parenting summer May 31, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

How do you balance screen time with real world activities in the summer time with your children? This is hard for any parent. And let's be honest, as parents we need to set a better example at balancing electronics and focusing on what matters most. 

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)

Here are 9 tips to help you navigate your summer screen time like a pro!

  1. Set Clear Electronics Rules: Establish boundaries and rules for electronics usage during the summer, considering the needs of your children, especially if they are on the autism spectrum.

  2. Limit Screen Time: Reduce the amount of time kids spend on electronic devices. For instance, allow an hour and a half of screen time, with the opportunity to earn more by completing chores or engaging in other productive activities.

  3. Use Parental Control Apps: Explore parental control apps like "Our Pact" to regulate and restrict screen time on devices. These tools can help you manage when and how your child uses their devices.

  4. Maintain Password Control: Ensure that you have access to your children's device passwords. This way, you can monitor their online activities and maintain their safety.

  5. Charge Devices Outside the Bedroom: Set a rule that all devices are charged in a common area, like your bedroom, overnight. This prevents late-night screen use and fosters healthier sleep patterns.

  6. Supervise Internet Access: If your child uses devices with internet access, require them to use them in shared spaces like the kitchen or living room, rather than in private areas.

  7. Establish Tech-Free Times: Implement periods when all devices must be off, such as after dinner. This encourages family interaction and a break from screens.

  8. Set a Good Example: Practice what you preach and limit your own screen time. Children learn from your example, so demonstrate healthy screen habits.

  9. Use Timers: If needed, use timers to help your kids understand and adhere to screen-time limits.

Remember to adapt these tips to suit your family's specific needs and the age of your children.

With Hope for a Blessed Summer,

Tamara K. Anderson