A Heartfelt Encounter in the ICU: Finding Hope in Unexpected Places

hope life challenges prayer May 10, 2021

By Guest Blogger Caroline Rose (used with permission)

When I was in the ICU with my sick uncle, my aunt introduced me to the minister from her church. He had come to pray over my uncle’s weakening body. As I sat to the side with my cousins, I watched as this minister held my aunt’s hand and asked God to please heal my uncle’s body. I tried to close my eyes and absorb the words that were being offered up by this man of God, but something just wasn’t sitting right in my soul. 

Later that same evening, I followed my aunt and cousins into the ICU waiting room. After a day of tough news and difficult decisions, we were all exhausted. A friend arrived with wine, whiskey, and pizza.

As we sat down to eat and drink together, I couldn’t help but notice the only other group in the waiting room. They were talking and hugging and even laughing. I had noticed them earlier and knew they were dealing with a dire situation. Seeing their joy amid such sorrow gave me comfort.

A few minutes later, this family stood to leave. As they walked by us, they all smiled and gave us a “we know what you’re going through because we’re going through it too” nod. We smiled and nodded in return. And then I noticed an older man who had stopped and was just standing next to us.

He asked us how we were holding up and if he could help in any way. My aunt engaged in polite small talk while my cousins and I enjoyed our wine and whiskey. After a few minutes of chit-chat, the mystery man asked if he could pray with us. Prayer was the last thing I wanted to do at that moment. I wanted to sit and drink my wine and forget all the questions for which I had no good answer.

But, we indulged this man by standing and holding hands.

“Dear Lord, thank you for this day, for this hospital, for these doctors and nurses and for this family. Thank you for the love they have for one another. And Lord, please help us always to remember that we send up hope through prayer and you send back joy. Amen.”

I kept my eyes closed after the prayer had ended. I held the mystery man’s hand a few seconds longer, not wanting to let this go. Send Hope up, receive joy in return. God takes our hopes and turns them into joy. Hope up, joy down. I completely got it.

As I released this man’s hand and slowly opened my eyes, I turned to thank him but found he was already gone.

Do I believe everything happens the way it should? Yes. Do I sometimes wish things had happened differently? Absolutely. Would I go back and change them if I could? I don’t think I would. And here’s why…

A life free of struggle sounds idyllic, but without the hard times, we’d never appreciate the good. With no darkness, we’d never realize we were in the light. I believe God cries the hardest when any of us suffer. He understood the incredible hardships some would face on this earth, so He created a lifeline to get us through. Y’all, He created Hope. Hope up, joy down. Hope up, peace down. Hope up, love down.

Hope, joy, peace, love: lifelines in the struggle. Angels in waiting rooms. Prayers always answered.

In love and Hope,
