Abound in Hope: The Power of the Holy Ghost

holy ghost holy spirit hope for future hope in christ tips for hope Jan 23, 2024

Dear Sisters in Christ,

In a world often consumed by fear and despair, let's embrace the beautiful concept of "abounding in hope" as stated in Romans 13:15. To me, "abound" speaks of overflowing abundance, and who wouldn't want to overflow with hope?

The key to this abundant hope is found in the verse, "through the power of the Holy Ghost." This is the secret to abounding in hope.

So, how can we invite the Holy Ghost into our lives and fill ourselves with hope? It's about doing small but consistent things: prayer, service, love, repentance, and staying connected to God.

If you're feeling low on hope today, start with one action that connects you to God, and earnestly seek hope. Add another action each week, building a stronger connection, until one day, you'll find yourself abounding in hope!

Hope on!
