Advice to Younger Self: Finding Strength in God

faith in christ motherhood strength in christ Jul 18, 2023

Hey Warrior Women,

As I look at this photo from over 22 years ago, it takes me back to a time when life seemed overwhelming. I was recovering from a terrible car accident, trying to juggle the demands of two busy boys, and facing a cross-country move. Little did I know that my younger son, Nathan, would soon be diagnosed with autism.

If I could go back in time, I would give my younger self a big hug and offer words of encouragement: "You can do it! Hang in there! The next few years will be incredibly tough, but don't lose hope. You'll make it through. Things will get easier, and you'll grow stronger. Most importantly, lean on God, for He will guide you through."

Reflecting on my journey, it made me wonder, what advice would you give your younger self? What would you say to that woman in the midst of life's chaos and challenges?

I believe many of us would offer words of comfort, wisdom, and faith. Perhaps we'd say:

  1. Trust in God's plan; He has a purpose for every trial.
  2. Don't be so hard on yourself; you're doing better than you think.
  3. Seek support from your sisters in Christ; you don't have to carry the burden alone.
  4. Embrace each moment and find joy in the journey.

Though we can't change the past, we can certainly learn from it and extend the same grace and encouragement to our younger selves as we would to our sisters today.

As we navigate the complexities of life, let's also remember to be kind and compassionate to ourselves. God's grace is sufficient for all our weaknesses and inadequacies. And with His guidance, we can look back on our younger selves and say, "We made it, and we're stronger because of it."

So, dear Warrior Women, I encourage you to reflect on your journey, remember how far you've come, and offer words of love and support to your younger self. You are resilient, courageous, and deeply loved by the Creator.

With love and blessings,


P.S. If you ever doubt your strength, remember Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." This verse has been my anchor through life's storms, and I hope it brings you the same comfort and encouragement.