Anchoring Faith in Shaky Times

doubts faith in christ faith over fear overcoming doubt Aug 03, 2022

Dear Sisters in the Light,

Have you ever felt life shake beneath your feet? I vividly recall the morning I woke up to an earthquake in southern California over two decades ago. It wasn't a massive quake, but it left me trembling. In an instant, the solid ground I stood upon seemed fragile, as if California might break away from the continent.

Life can mirror these moments. Some days, our faith stands strong like a rock. Then, suddenly, doubts creep in, and we question whether our foundation in Christ is secure.

Resources for Shaky Ground Moments

  • In times of shaky ground, we need resources and spiritual guidance. Traci, in her book "Shaky Ground: What to do After the Bottom Drops Out," discusses how to establish spiritual rhythms that anchor us when life's ground gives way. She emphasizes the importance of these practices to help us stand firm. You can also explore our conversation in the podcast episode, Traci Rhoades: Abiding in Christ, Even on Shaky Ground. Watch it on YouTube here.
  • Connecting with Jesus during moments of doubt strengthens our faith. I share six ways to enhance this connection through writing, prayers, affirmations, and more in the episode, 6 Ways to Connect to God Through Writing. Watch it on YouTube here.
  • When doubts assail you, remember the three steps Jesus used to battle temptation, as discussed in the episode, How Do I Battle Temptation Effectively.
  • If you find yourself on shaky ground, read my blog post, "God Where are You? The Night Angels Consoled My Weeping." where I share a personal rock-bottom moment and a valuable lesson I learned from God in the darkest hours. 
  • Bible Story: Remember the story of the man who approached Jesus with his son afflicted by a "dumb spirit." The man exclaimed, "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief" (Mark 9:24). Jesus performed a miracle and healed his son. Even in our moments of doubt, God loves us and can work wonders with the smallest seed of faith.
  • Awesome Quote: As Dieter F. Uchtdorf wisely said, "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith." When the ground shakes beneath you, seek refuge in the Savior's embrace, remembering why you believe. He can and will perform miracles in your life. His love for you is perfect.

Stay strong, dear sisters. Keep your faith anchored in the Rock of Jesus Christ, for He will never fail you. In your shaky moments, hold fast to His unwavering love.

With boundless hope,
