Battling Life's Struggles: Winning Strategies

battle strategies covid empowerment jesus christ overcoming struggles resilience strength in christ Oct 27, 2021

My Dearest Warrior of Light,

Are you facing a relentless battle today? It might be depression, the weight of grief, the unwelcome companion of COVID, or even the daunting challenges posed by illness and mental health struggles. Know this, my precious sister, you are not alone in this fight. Every one of us carries a battle within, for none of us are without our struggles. It's a universal truth.

Now, let's talk strategy. Are there battle-tested hacks and winning maneuvers to navigate these turbulent waters? Indeed, there are, and I come bearing gifts of wisdom and strength.

Lessons for Women Warriors

  1. I recently had the privilege of sitting down with my beloved husband, who shared a profound lesson from his days in Army basic training. It's a lesson that's etched into his very being, and he calls it "Killer Pushups." To uncover this invaluable insight into the power of companionship in the heat of battle, listen to our conversation with Justin Anderson: Choosing the Best Battle Buddy in Life.
  2. In another inspiring episode, I had a heart-to-heart with my dear friend, Jessica Smith, who's been waging her own battle against Tourette Syndrome (TS) and grief following her brother's passing. She'll take you through her journey, revealing the highs and lows, and how a shift in perspective became her guiding light. Her story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Dive into Jessica Smith: Creating a New Normal with Tourette's & Grief.
  3. But what about the battles that rage within, where victory is determined by the battlefield of your mind? In the early days of the COVID storm, I recorded a podcast episode that unveils four powerful mindsets to help you conquer any challenge life throws your way. These mindsets aren't just for times of crisis; they are weapons of strength to be wielded in any battle. Join me in exploring 4 Winning Mindsets in Times of Crisis.

In every battle, we might falter, losing some skirmishes along the way. But remember this, dear sister: what truly matters is not the outcome of individual battles, but that we ultimately win the war. Cling to your Heavenly Father, for He clings to you with an unwavering love. He'll never let go. You, my dear, are His cherished child, a priceless gem in His sight. Keep this truth close, especially on the tough days.

With God as your ally, you will always emerge victorious. Eventually, the battle will be won, and your heart will know the peace it longs for.

In Psalm 144:1 (KJV), David proclaims, "Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight." Let the Lord be your strength in the battle you face today.

With unwavering hope and the strength of a warrior within you,
