Battling Stigma: Let's Talk About Mental Health

battle strategies change kindness mental health self-care wellness May 26, 2023

My Dear Friends in Christ,

As we step into the embrace of National Mental Health Awareness Month, the world is abuzz with discussions about mental health, and the resounding message is clear: it's time to shatter the stigma that has veiled mental illness for far too long.

Understanding the Stigma

The stigma encircling mental health challenges is a tapestry of negative beliefs, misconceptions, and attitudes. Woven together by fear of the unknown, this intricate web has perpetuated discrimination and exclusion of those grappling with mental health issues.

Tragically, these attitudes and beliefs have led to an environment of silence and shame. They deter individuals from seeking the help they need, reinforce stereotypes, and create a culture of secrecy.

But as warriors of light, we are called to dismantle this stronghold of stigma.

Breaking the Stigma

The best way to dismantle the stigma of mental health challenges is by speaking about it—openly and without fear. So, allow me to share five ways we can work together to break this chain.

1. Be Kind and Non-Judgmental: In our interactions with others, let's foster a culture of kindness, empathy, and non-judgment. Treat individuals with mental health conditions with the same respect and compassion we would extend to anyone facing physical health challenges.

2. Promote Self-Care and Well-being: Stress the significance of self-care, stress management, and overall well-being. Encourage your loved ones to prioritize their mental health and engage in activities that nurture emotional resilience, such as exercise, mindfulness, and hobbies.

3. Engage in Open Conversations: Initiate and participate in conversations about mental health in your personal and professional circles. Speaking openly about mental health normalizes the topic and encourages others to share their experiences. If you have faced mental health challenges, summon the courage to share your story; your vulnerability may be the lifeline someone else needs.

4. Examine Your Beliefs and Language: Reflect upon your beliefs and attitudes regarding mental health. Be mindful of the language you use when discussing this topic. Eschew stigmatizing terms and derogatory language. Instead, choose words that emphasize the person rather than their condition.

5. Be a Supportive Listener: When someone confides in you about their mental health challenges, practice active listening and empathy. Extend support, understanding, and validation rather than judgment. Forge a safe space where individuals can openly share their experiences without the shadow of stigma.

Championing Change

Remember, breaking the stigma is a continuous journey. Even our smallest efforts can lead to monumental change.

With each conversation we initiate, we chip away at the fortress of stigma. Together, we foster a deeper understanding of mental health conditions, dispel myths and stereotypes, and cultivate greater empathy.

Above all, by battling the stigma of mental health challenges, we contribute to creating a better world—a world where individuals can seek the help they need without fear or shame.

And in our journey to embrace the beauty of each soul's uniqueness, let us remember the words of Psalm 34:18 (KJV), "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."

So, my challenge to you this month is straightforward—start talking. Each dialogue, each word, each moment of vulnerability takes us one step closer to a world free from the shadows of stigma.

With Love,

Wendi Christensen, LCSW