Battling Winter Blues with Heavenly Light

god's light self-care sunshine winter blues Jan 20, 2015

My Dearest Sisters in Light,

As I put pen to paper today, I want to share a tale from my heart. It was a winter, not too long ago, in our new home in Utah. The cold was biting, and the skies were persistently gray. Those endless days without sunlight began to weigh on my spirit, and I felt myself slipping into a somber mood.

In the midst of January's gloom, I turned to my husband with a desperate plea: "We must go to Arizona." So, we packed our bags and embarked on a 12-hour journey to the land of the sun, my family's embrace, and the warmth that my soul craved.

The moment we arrived, it was as though a radiant blessing had touched us. Arizona's sun enveloped us in its gentle caress, and we reveled in its comforting embrace. The temperatures soared into the 70s, and the afternoons were filled with laughter and joy as our children played with their cousins at the park.

Oh, how I yearned for that sunshine during our return journey to Utah. The gray, overcast skies greeted us like an old, unwelcome friend. The heaviness of winter's gloom settled upon my heart. Soon after, a visit to my doctor revealed a deficiency in vitamin D3, which, as many of you know, is the sunshine vitamin.

My desire to escape to Arizona had a deeper, medical root than I initially realized. The lack of sunlight had taken its toll on my well-being. It was a turning point for me, a wake-up call to cherish the importance of self-care during the winter months.

Since that moment, I've been proactive in preserving my mental and emotional well-being when winter's grasp tightens. I stride outdoors for walks, embracing the crisp, invigorating air. On days when snow and gloom dominate, I humbly join the ranks of "mall walkers" to keep my spirits lifted.

And here's my little secret: I've become an aficionado of basking in sunlight. Each sunny afternoon, I throw open my window shutters and seek a quiet spot to read. As I let the sun's warm rays wash over me, I'm reminded of the beautiful scripture in Psalm 84:11 (KJV): "For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly."

My dear sisters, this journey taught me the significance of safeguarding our well-being during the darker seasons, both in our lives and in our souls. Just as we protect our bodies with supplements like vitamin D3, let us also seek the light of God's Word to illuminate our path.

Remember, even in the midst of winter, when the world seems cold and gray, there is always a source of warmth and light within our reach. Our Savior, the Son of God, is that eternal source, ever ready to shine His grace upon us. May His light forever chase away the winter blues that occasionally cloud our lives.

In His Radiant Love, 

Tamara K. Anderson