Blessed by Autism: A Perspective of Faith

autism counting blessings faith parenting special needs trust god Jun 28, 2023

My Beloved Sisters in Christ,

I come to you with a heart full of gratitude and a story of transformation that has touched my soul deeply. It is a tale from a different time, a story that makes me reflect on the blessings we have today.

In my recent reading, I journeyed to 1800s England through the pages of a novel. In this story, a family faced the challenge of having an eldest son who was described as a "simpleton," which in those days meant he was developmentally disabled. The father chose to pretend this son was no longer a part of their lives, while the mother, filled with love and trust, arranged for him to be raised by a servant.

Can you imagine the hardship, my dear sisters? The pain, the heartache, the stigma that would have surrounded them in that time?

As I immersed myself in this narrative, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the era we live in today. We are blessed to reside in a time and place where having children with developmental disabilities, such as autism, is not met with the same social judgments as in those earlier years.

I give thanks daily for the privilege of raising my boys in the warmth of our home, where love and care abound. My heart overflows with gratitude for my husband, who embraces each of our children, regardless of their unique needs, with an open and loving heart.

But I know, my sisters, that not all families have been as fortunate as we have. There are those for whom the challenges of raising children with disabilities become overwhelming burdens, seemingly impossible to overcome. In these moments, our faith in God is our rock and our refuge.

We have come to understand and trust that God loves each of our children. He has placed them in our care for a reason. Every child, regardless of their challenges, is a gift from God, and they bring with them a unique set of opportunities for growth and love.

In Psalm 127:3 (KJV), we find these words: "Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." Indeed, every child is a reward, a blessing, and an opportunity to experience the transformative power of love and faith.

As the parents of children with special needs, we have been granted a unique perspective. We have learned to see the beauty in our children's differences, and we have witnessed the strength that blossoms in the midst of challenges.

My heart swells with gratitude for the four beautiful souls I have the privilege of nurturing and loving. And I am eternally thankful to our Heavenly Father for the perspective I have gained on this journey.

My dear sisters, may we always remember that God's love and purpose shine through even the most challenging circumstances. Each of our children is a precious gift, a testament to His boundless grace and a testament to the power of faith and love. We are truly #BlessedByAutism.

With love and unwavering faith,
