Bowed but Unbroken: Finding Healing in His Grace

faith in christ healing hope in christ physical challenges strength in christ Mar 29, 2023

My Beloved Friend,

Recently, I stumbled upon a profound yet often overlooked story in Luke 13:11-13. A woman bent by pain for 18 years, unable to lift herself, meets Jesus. He declares, "Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity," and miraculously, she stands tall.

Can you fathom her joy, the weight lifted? It's a testament that when we're bowed down by life's burdens, Jesus sees and desires to heal.

The story of the bent woman in Luke deeply resonates with our own experiences. Life's burdens, like heavy weights on our shoulders, can keep us bowed down. Just as Jesus saw her pain, He sees ours.

The woman's healing reminds us that even when suffering feels endless, the Savior's touch can change everything. This woman represents each of us with our unique trials and burdens, both seen and unseen.

In our journey, we may wonder why God allows pain to persist. We often plead for relief, for the heavy load to be lifted. We cry and pray, "When, Lord? When will I be loosed from these afflictions?"

During these times, we must remember that God's timetable may not align with ours, but His love and desire to help us are unwavering. He provides strength to bear our burdens, turning them into stepping stones for our growth.

Resources for the Weary

  1. Where is God When I'm Weeping? - Discover God's presence in your tears in this podcast.

  2. Stuck in Life? Try This! - Lessons from my son getting stuck on a boulder offer insights into leaning on God in times of trouble.

  3. How I Endured Feeling Overwhelmed in One Easy Lesson.- When my son was diagnosed with autism, one key lesson carried me through.


The truth is, God never promised a life free of burdens, but He did promise to carry them with us. He understands our bowed spirits and gently calls us to Him. His healing, whether immediate or gradual, is assured. As we cast our cares upon Him, we can find solace in His words, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28, KJV).

So, when life leaves you bowed down with affliction, call upon the Lord, and find rest for your soul.

Hope on, my friend!

With unwavering love,
