Bowling Over Barriers: A Story of Kindness

autism autism and church May 03, 2019

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

In 2012, I witnessed a beautiful act of kindness that I must share with you. Our local Boy Scout Troop in Texas extended an invitation to our son, Nathan, who graced this world with low-functioning autism.

Nathan had never experienced a Scout activity before, and this heartfelt invitation was a game-changer. The Scouts discovered Nathan's love for bowling, and what started as a simple invitation evolved into something extraordinary. The Scouts and Nathan began bowling, and it evolved from bowling just pins but also barriers, stereotypes, and misunderstandings. They eventually made a great game of hit and the boy scouts stood up as pins and Nathan "bowled them down" with a basketball.

This act of kindness had a profound impact on Nathan, his parents, and the Scouts who embraced him. It reminds us that a little kindness, a single gesture, can have a ripple effect, touching hearts and changing lives.

May this beautiful story inspire us to extend our love and compassion to those who need it most. In our kindness, we bring the light of Christ into the world.

With love and gratitude,

Tamara K. Anderson