Caleb's Courage: 6 Principles for Setting and Achieving Goals

bible story goal setting Dec 30, 2018

Dear Christian Women Warriors of Light,

Can you believe the new year is upon us? It feels like just yesterday that I was sitting in my journal, drawing a picture of my goals in October. I want to share this journey with you because it's not unlike the challenges we all face when striving for our dreams.

In that drawing, I depicted a little stick figure of myself paralyzed by the giant word F-E-A-R, standing on a path that led to my goals I could see high up the mountain, but  being scared to take the steps. Have you ever felt this way? Knowing where you want to go but feeling immobilized by fear? You're not alone. We all experience these moments, especially when we set big, audacious goals that push our limits. I felt this way when contemplating launching my podcast in January. The inner battle raged within me - should I go for it or stay comfortably within my bubble? I realized that I could do better, and I knew God expected more of me. So, I made the choice to overcome my fear.

Today, I want to share a story from the time of the children of Israel, particularly focusing on a man named Caleb. I'll outline six key principles we can learn from Caleb's journey to help you set and achieve your goals for the upcoming year.

  1. Courageously Look at Opportunities: In Numbers 13:17-20, Moses sent spies to scout out the land of Canaan. They were instructed to explore, be courageous, and bring back information about the land. When you decide on your goals, be courageous in listing all the opportunities and challenges. Don't shy away from big, audacious ideas.

  2. Take Time to Examine: The spies spent 40 days examining the land before reporting back. Don't rush your goal-setting process. Take time to explore your options, ponder them, and pray for guidance.

  3. Report Back to God and an Accountability Partner: Once the spies returned, they reported back to Moses, Aaron and the children of Israel. Find an accountability partner who will support your goals and help you stay on track. More importantly, report your goals back to God, and ask for His guidance in your journey.

  4. Don't Let Fear Overrule You: After examining the land, most of the spies were overcome by fear. Fear can hold you back from pursuing your dreams. Choose to be courageous and have faith that, with God's help, you can conquer your goals.

  5. Have Faith in God: Choose faith over fear. Remember that with God, all things are possible. Even when others doubt, trust in God's strength to help you accomplish hard things.

  6. "Give Me This Mountain!" These were Caleb's words when he was finally entering Canaan at the age of 85. Have the same determination. Keep your vision fixed on your goal, and say, "Give me this mountain!" Be confident, courageous, and unwavering in your pursuit.

So, as you embrace the upcoming year, keep these six principles in mind:

  1. Look at your opportunities courageously.
  2. Take your time to weigh your goals.
  3. Report back to God and an accountability partner regularly.
  4. Don't let fear rule you or hold you back.
  5. Have faith that you can do hard things with God's help.
  6. With determination, say, "Give me this mountain!"

I have experienced the power of setting courageous goals over the past two years, and it has transformed my life. To assist you in navigating your goals, I'm providing a free workbook called "My Inspired Resolution." You can find the link in the notes below.

I encourage you to share this message with others who may be struggling with their New Year's resolutions. Sometimes all it takes is a new perspective to set goals with God's guidance.

Wishing you a successful end to 2018 and the courage to press forward into 2019, just like Caleb and Joshua.

Have a blessed and inspiring new year,

Tamara K. Anderson