Cast Your Burdens: Tips for Hope in Unbearable Times

heavy burdens hope in adversity overcoming struggles strength in christ Feb 01, 2023

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Do you ever feel like the weight of your problems is an unbearable burden, like a giant boulder you're carrying up a steep mountain? The challenges we and our loved ones face can seem too heavy to handle. But what do we do with these burdens?

Resources for Unbearable Burdens

  • In times of overwhelming grief and heaviness, it's crucial to find resources and support to help us manage these heavy loads. I recently had the opportunity to share my personal journey on the Heidi's Lemonade Stand podcast. I talked about carrying the enormous boulder of grief and how I took it one baby step at a time. You can listen to the podcast here, where I also discuss a helpful tip I learned about taking life one minute at a time.
  • Additionally, I'd like to share a blog post where I talk about my experiences when Nathan was diagnosed with autism. At that moment, I was overwhelmed with grief and the weight of an uncertain future. In this article, I provide 4 Tips When Burdens are Too Heavy.
  • Moreover, I invite you to listen to the story of Krista Isaacson, who faced an unimaginable burden when her young daughter passed away just 30 hours after a brain tumor diagnosis. She shares how she found the strength to courageously trust God with her heavy burden. You can listen to her story here, Krista Isaacson: Courageously Trusting God With Heavy Burdens.

When you find yourself overwhelmed and beneath the weight of your load, please remember that you are not struggling alone. God is always with you, ready to help you bear your unbearable burdens. You belong to Him, you are deeply loved, and you are never alone. God is right there with you, offering His comfort and support.

Keep in mind the comforting words of Psalm 34:18 (KJV): "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."

Hold onto this truth and keep your hope alive.

With love and blessings,
