Changing Perspective: Faith's Transformations

change chronic illness death faith gratitude hope perspective Jun 09, 2021

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

Warm greetings to you, my fellow warriors of light! Today, I want to speak to you about a profound change in perspective, a shift that can transform the way we see the world and our circumstances. Have you ever experienced a moment when your view of something changed from negative to positive, from resistance to acceptance, all by the grace of God's intervention? I have, and I'm eager to share these stories with you.

A Dog's Blessing

There was a time when I resisted the idea of having a dog, despite the desperate need my son had for one to help him cope with his battle against depression. But God had a different plan. He knew the healing and companionship our family needed, and He softened my heart to accept this gift. That dog, whom I reluctantly "gave in" to, has been a profound blessing to not just my son but to our entire family. Sometimes, the things we don't initially want can turn out to be the greatest gifts.

In 2 Samuel 22:31 (KJV), we are reminded: "As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him." God's ways are beyond our comprehension, and in those moments when we resist, He gently leads us to the blessings we couldn't see.

Changing Perspective on Death

Recently, I embarked on a journey to study a single word that completely shifted my perspective on death. Yes, you heard that right! Death, often shrouded in fear and sorrow, became a source of hope and reassurance for me. In 1 Corinthians 15:55 (KJV), the Apostle Paul tells us, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" Through God's wisdom, we can view even the most daunting of life's mysteries with renewed hope.

I invite you to listen to this podcast that delves into this transformation: "1 Word Changed my Perspective on Death." It's a testimony to how God's Word can transform our understanding of even the most challenging aspects of our faith journey.

A Lesson in Patience and Perspective

In another enlightening conversation, I had the privilege of speaking with Danice Hope about her journey of dealing with chronic illness that has persisted for decades. She had to change her perspective and cultivate patience as she faced the daily challenges that chronic illness presented. In Romans 12:12 (KJV), we are reminded to "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Danice's story is a testament to the strength and hope that God can instill in us even in the face of ongoing trials.

You can find inspiration and strength in Danice's story by listening to our interview: "Danice Hope: Finding Peace & Hope with Chronic Illness."

Grateful for the Blessings of Today

A few years ago, a book set in the 1800s opened my eyes to the struggles of a couple who had a child with a disability. It made me reflect on the blessings of living in a time when we have a greater understanding and acceptance of children on the autism spectrum. In James 1:17 (KJV), we are reminded that "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above." Our perspective can change when we recognize the gifts and blessings God has bestowed upon us, even in the midst of challenges.

I invite you to read my musings on this change in perspective: "Grateful to Live Now."

Sisters, wherever you find yourselves on your journey today, remember that God is always ready to help us change our perspective, to see the beauty in what we may have resisted. Turn to Him, plead for His guidance, and trust that His perfect ways will lead you to new hope and understanding.

In His love and grace,
