Choosing Joy in Solitude: A Message of Hope

covid finding joy gratitude we need each other Dec 09, 2020

My Beloved Sisters in the Light,

December has graced us with its presence, and as I sit here writing to you, I find myself in an unusual situation. I'm in my room, all alone, quarantined from my family, and awaiting the results of a COVID test. It's an isolating experience, to say the least. These past days have been filled with ups and downs as I grapple with not feeling well.

Yesterday was particularly tough, and in the midst of my solitude, I decided to shift my perspective. I chose to view today through the lens of gratitude. The transformation in my soul has been nothing short of remarkable. My circumstances remain the same—I'm still alone in my room, but my spirit feels lighter, and my heart is filled with a newfound sense of hope. It's a reminder of the power of gratitude in the midst of adversity, as Psalm 69:30 (KJV) says, "I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving."

This week, I have two podcasts that I am excited to share with you. In the episode "3 Reasons We Need Each Other," I explore the profound truth that people need people. I recount a time in my life when I was an insecure and lonely teenager, and how a friend's presence and support made all the difference. I even share a snippet of a song I wrote nearly two decades ago. It's a testament to the profound impact of human connection and the way we can be a source of light and encouragement in each other's lives.

Today's podcast launch features an extraordinary interview with my dear friend, Teri Benson. She shares her story, "Finding Joy in my Life's Second Chance." Teri faced a life-threatening situation during surgery to repair her aortic dissection and speaks about her choice to find joy in her second lease on life. Her journey is nothing short of a miracle, reminding us of the God who sustains us in our darkest hours. As we approach this holiday season, my prayer for you is that you find joy and peace through Christ. Our circumstances may be different this year, but the choice to embrace gratitude and joy in the midst of this rocky 2020 journey remains ours to make.

May God's blessings abound in your life, and may your heart overflow with hope. As we step into this new month, remember the words of Psalm 100:2 (KJV), "Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing."

With love and unwavering hope,
