Conquering Fear with Faith: A Message of Courage

bible story bible verse faith over fear fear overcoming fear overcoming struggles May 17, 2023

Dearest Warriors of Light,

I come to you today with a heart full of empathy, for I have grappled with fear in the depths of my own soul. It is a universal human experience, isn't it? That gripping fear that holds us back, that whispers doubts in our ears, that paralyzes us in the face of the unknown. The fear of the future, of inadequacy, or the fear that the task at hand is just too monumental and overwhelming.

Have you ever found yourself standing before an insurmountable mountain, its peak obscured by the clouds of doubt and trepidation? I must admit, I've stood there too, gazing upon that intimidating terrain of life's challenges. And in those moments of vulnerability, I've learned valuable lessons about conquering fear with unwavering faith.

Tips for When You’re Facing Fears

1. Fix Your Gaze on Christ: The first and foremost lesson I've gleaned is that the capacity to move through fear hinges upon the focal point of our hearts and minds. When we fixate on our fears, they hold us captive. It's akin to Peter's miraculous walk on water; when his eyes were locked on Jesus, he could conquer the waves. Likewise, when our faith in Christ as our source of strength remains unwavering, we can take those vital baby steps even amidst fear's tempest. Listen to a podcast episode where I discuss overcoming fear here: How I Overcame my Fear to Podcasting.

2. Embrace Small Victories: Overcoming fear is not about instantaneous transformation or the absence of doubt. It's about the journey, the progress, and the pursuit of our calling. Each small step, like the pages of a journal, contributes to the narrative of our courage. Through journaling our journey, we acknowledge the baby steps that define our triumphant march forward. I also wrote a blog called, 7 Tips to Overcoming Fear--Lessons I Shared on the Rebuilding Podcast which talk more about baby steps toward victory.

3. Confront the Pain: Fear is not always born from inadequacy; sometimes it emerges because we fear the discomfort of change or growth. It is in these moments that I turn to the story of a dear friend, Alan Gulledge. He faced a harrowing accident that could have rendered him paralyzed in both body and spirit. Conquering fear meant confronting pain head-on. Through his example, I have come to understand that sometimes we fear the pain that accompanies progress, just as his recovery journey was painful. Yet, we press on. You can read/hear more of his tips here: Alan Gulledge – Setting Goals, Facing Fears and Recovering with Faith.

4. Seek Inspiration in Scripture: When grappling with fear, I find inspiration in the sacred stories of old. The tale of Joshua, leading the children of Israel into the promised land, resonates with me. They faced towering giants and fortified cities. Fear loomed large, but Joshua's report was one of faith, declaring that they were "well able to overcome it." The lesson I glean from this courageous leader is one of unwavering faith and reliance on God. In Numbers 14:9, he proclaimed, "The Lord is with us." Joshua's faith is a beacon of light, illuminating the path through fear.

Confession time: A part of me yearns to linger in the desert for a while, to hide from the enormity of the mountain that looms before me. Yet, will I truly find contentment in stagnation? Perhaps not, for the hunger for growth and the pursuit of purpose stir in my soul. As Joshua declared, "Give me this mountain!" (Joshua 14:12), I too utter the words. I shall step forward, one small, deliberate stride at a time, for with faith, all things are possible.

Dear warriors, do not let fear dictate your path. Conquer it with faith as your guiding light, and the Lord as your unfailing source of strength.

With unwavering hope and faith,
