Conquering Your Inner Critic

faith in christ hope in christ hope in hard times self-talk self-worth Apr 27, 2022

My Dearest Warrior Sisters in Christ,

Have you ever found yourself engaged in a fierce battle with the adversary, facing the relentless onslaught of negative self-talk? It's a struggle that many of us share, enduring the ceaseless barrage of thoughts that whisper, "I'm nobody. I'm not enough." I've been in that battle many times, and I know the depths of worthlessness we can sometimes feel—small, inconsequential, yearning to blend into the shadows.

How would you like to equip yourself with effective tools to combat this inner critic? I want to share with you some tried-and-true tips that can shift your perspective from feeling small to recognizing your immeasurable worth as a child of God.

Tools for Triumph Against the Adversary & Negativity

  1. My dear friend Chani and I have engaged in discussions about the six invaluable tips she has gathered while battling her inner critic. These tips are potent and have proven effective in our own lives. You can listen to the podcast, If You Feel You’re Not Enough, Start Here! or watch it on YouTube here.
  2. Recently, I found myself grappling with severe anxiety, and as I turned to God for guidance, He revealed to me three prayerful steps to transform anxiety into peace. If you're curious about what these steps entail, I invite you to listen to my podcast episode: 3 Prayerful Steps to Turn Anxiety to Peace. You can listen to that podcast here or watch it on YouTube here.
  3. Moreover, how would you like the opportunity to meet Chani and me in person? We are both honored to be presenting at the Enough Already! Christian Women's Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada next month. You can buy tickets here.
  4. One of my favorite Bible verses is one that Chani shares in her podcast. It tells the story of a father who brings his son with a dumb spirit to the Savior, pleading for help. Jesus responds, "All things are possible to him that believeth." The father then utters a heartfelt plea, "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief" (Mark 9:23-24, KJV).

Sometimes we possess faith, but we question if it's enough. Remember, we can always call upon God to strengthen and sustain us, to "help thou mine unbelief." This principle applies even when battling your inner critic. Call upon Him, implore His aid in overcoming the adversary and silencing your inner critic.

With His help, you can achieve all things. You are a divine child of God, deeply loved, and endowed with immeasurable worth.

Believe this, dear sister, for it is the undeniable truth!

With unwavering hope,
