Discovering Your True Beauty: Putting Ugly in its Place

don't compare hope for future self-love self-worth Feb 24, 2020

Dear Beloved Warriors of Light,

I pray this letter finds you enveloped in the grace and love of our Savior. Today, I want to share with you a timeless tale that has traversed 175 years, a story that illuminates our journey as Christian women warriors. It's a story that resonates with our deepest insecurities and the quest to discover our true beauty and worth. It's a story of transformation, hope, and faith, penned by the gifted Hans Christian Andersen.

The story of "The Ugly Duckling" transcends generations, and even now, over a century and a half after its creation, it continues to touch the hearts of those who seek answers to questions that often burden us. Questions like, "Why am I so ugly?" haunt us, sisters, as we navigate a world that often thrives on comparisons, harsh judgments, and unrealistic beauty standards.

The Causes of the Ugly Problem

The causes of these troubling questions are multifaceted, much like the unique stories of each of us. They can be rooted in the relentless influence of social media, the unkind words of acquaintances or even family, or the scourge of bullying. It is a problem that touches not only our lives but also the lives of those we hold dear.

Possible Solutions from an Old Story

Let me share with you five powerful solutions that I've gleaned from the timeless wisdom of Andersen's "The Ugly Duckling."

  1. Understand Your True Worth In the story, the ugly duckling's transformation is a poignant reminder that our birth circumstances do not define us. We are not ordinary, rejected, or ugly in the eyes of our Creator. As Dieter Uchtdorf beautifully stated, "You are something divine – more beautiful and glorious than you can possibly imagine." Our journey, just like the ugly duckling's, is a process of self-discovery. Realize that you are unique and loved, not in spite of your imperfections but because of them.

  2. Get Away From Negativity It's essential to distance ourselves from negative influences, both external and internal. As we traverse the path of life, there may be those who attempt to belittle or undermine our worth. Do not grant them the power to define you. As Richard Paul Evans wisely advises, "Don't listen to them. Don't give them that power." Instead, choose to surround yourself with positivity, for you are worthy of love and respect.

  3. Quit Comparing! Discover Your Beauty & Worth The story's cat and hen mistakenly believed that the duckling could only find worth by conforming to their expectations. Likewise, we often fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others, attempting to fit into molds that were never meant for us. Remember the words of Albert Einstein: "Everybody is a genius." Embrace your uniqueness, for it is what makes you great. You are normal for you, and that is perfectly as it should be.

  4. Get Moving Physical activity can have a profound impact on our self-esteem. Just as the ugly duckling found strength in his wings, we can experience a boost in confidence through exercise. It is a celebration of what our bodies can do, a way to care for the vessel that houses our spirit. You don't need to be a seasoned athlete; taking small steps toward a healthier lifestyle can lead to improved self-esteem.

  5. Cling to Hope: The Future Will Get Better In the darkest of moments, when despair envelops us, it is vital to cling to hope. Life is a journey filled with change, and even in the depths of our struggles, we must believe that things will improve. Our destiny is greater than we can imagine, and the trials we face are stepping stones to the glorious future God has in store for us. As Dieter Uchtdorf aptly puts it, "Our hearts would overflow with such gratitude and happiness that it would enlighten even the darkest sorrows with the light and love of God."

Dear sisters, the story of "The Ugly Duckling" imparts timeless wisdom that resonates with our hearts as Christian women warriors of light. It teaches us to embrace our true worth, distance ourselves from negativity, cease comparisons, incorporate physical activity into our lives, and hold onto hope. As you reflect on these lessons, may you find the strength and faith to embrace your beauty, both inside and out.

You are not alone in your journey, and you are not ugly. You are a cherished child of God, a radiant swan in the making. Embrace your unique, God-given identity, and may your light shine brightly, illuminating the path for others to follow.

In His Grace and Love,

Tamara K. Anderson