Does Jesus Want Me to Be Perfect or Complete?

bible women & bathrobes divine love jesus christ perfectionism podcast sermon on the mount yoked to christ Jun 18, 2024

Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 21


Tamara, Wendi, and Bonnie shared their experiences and insights on overcoming perfectionism and insecurities through faith and trust in Jesus Christ as they discussed Matthew 5:48, from the Sermon on the Mount. They emphasized recognizing and challenging unrealistic expectations, embracing authenticity and imperfection, and seeking God's guidance and help.


Main Takeaways

  • From Wendi, Heavenly Father doesn't expect us to be absolutely perfect in everything He just expects us to come, show up and try. Put some effort in. And He will help us to get there. Because we already are complete, because we're His children.
  • From Bonnie, we are God's children. And everything we have ever talked about on the show points to that very fact.  It always comes back to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and how we need Him. And we can't do this life without Him. If you are struggling with perfectionism turn to Him,  in all things turn to Him.
  • From Tamara, as recovering perfectionists, we often feel overwhelmed by how far we still have to go to achieve our goals. Focus on measuring progress and gains, rather than the perceived gap between where we are and where we want to be. It really does boil down to yoking yourself to Jesus and you will become complete. 


Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests


Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website:


Bonnie Randall

Bonnie Randall is a wife, mother, trainer, speaker, actress, copywriter, heart centered life coach and has also been a business and marketing consultant for over 20 years. Her real passion is to help people grow as individuals and teach them how to resolve limiting beliefs. Bonnie enjoys teaching about mental health, abuse prevention and recovery classes. She runs a trauma recovery support group and YouTube channel called, Come Off Conqueror, which helps survivors of abuse find Christ centered healing. Find out more at:


Wendi Christensen, LCSW

Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website:




Tamara Anderson  0:00  

Have you ever been a perfectionist at any point in your life and have that just drive you relentlessly until you just feel overwhelmed, overwhelmed, anxious, it's stressful? If so, today's lessons from one verse in the Sermon on the Mount will make all the difference in your life. Stay tuned. 


Tamara Anderson  0:28  

Welcome to Bible Women and Bathrobes the podcast where faith meets comfort. Join us Tuesday and Thursday morning. As the gals from Women Warriors of Light and their guests, don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount. We explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood, and maybe even a few sleepy eyes moments. tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.


Tamara Anderson  1:10  

Welcome to another episode of Bible Women and Bathrobes. I'm your host Tamra K. Anderson and joining me today, Bonnie Randall. Hi, Bonnie. 


Bonnie Randall  1:18  

Hey, everyone. 


Tamara Anderson  1:20  

And Wendi Christensen, Wendi, thanks for being here today.


Wendi Christensen  1:25  

So glad to be here today with you.


Tamara Anderson  1:28  

Awesome. Well, guys, believe it or not, we are finally to the end of Matthew chapter five. And I've left this episode, where we're only going to cover one verse this entire episode. That is it. And it is Matthew chapter five, verse 48. And I'm going to read it to you. And then you'll hopefully be able to see why we're only going to cover this first this episode. Jesus says "be therefore perfect. even as your Father which is in heaven, is perfect." and eh, for all of us who have that little grain of perfectionism in us, this verse just sometimes feels like an anchor is weighing around our neck like, I am never going to get there. And I'm never going to be perfect. Um, I think we women especially are hard on ourselves because of this verse. And oh, I don't know. Wendi, let's kick it off with you thoughts on perfectionism. And then we'll dive into what was really meant here. 


Tamara Anderson  2:40  

Um, well, I'm a person, I am what I call a recovering perfectionist. I was such a perfectionist growing up. And I didn't realize it until I got older. And then I started talking to other people working with other women. And I couldn't believe how many of us are perfectionist and think we have to do everything right and everything perfectly in our lives in order to feel loved or accepted or that we're enough. You know, we have to have our houses cleaned the right way or our meals prepared perfectly and on the table at night, and our kids have to be perfect. And man have I worked with a lot of people with perfectionism, including my own self. That's something I had to work on myself, is overcoming being perfect and thinking I had to do everything perfectly. And man, it's a lot of pressure. It's a lot of work. It's a lot of pressure to put on ourselves to be perfect. And I think a lot of people do it. Right. Especially women, I think especially women, I don't hear I do hear men that are perfectionist, and that do think they have to be but I would say over the years of working with people, it's more so women that feel like we have to have everything right and be on our "A" game all the time and doing everything perfectly.


Tamara Anderson  4:04  



Bonnie Randall  4:04  

I think perfectionism in a lot of ways is passed on. It's one of those inherited traits and societally inherited, generational inherited, right, like, part of that is let's get all scripture, understanding what it means, right? And luckily, we're gonna define this and unpack it because I think until I really grasped what he was saying here, I was stuck in that perfectionism cycle. And that trap, right that you were saying that anchor, right like it really is a ball and chain. And as a graduating senior, my mom my stepmom gave me this book called Where do I go from here? And I can't remember the author. It's kind of out of print you have to special order it now or like go hunt for it because you won't find it on Amazon. You can have it printed on Desert Book. Anyway. So moms, anyone who has or dads, anyone who has a graduating senior or junior or kid in college, I highly recommend this book. There's a chapter in it called the perfectionism trap. And she goes into detail what perfectionism is and I don't want to spoil it because I know Tamra is gonna give us the definition here in a second. But reading that at age 18. Holy Hannah! It started me on this road to be a recovering perfectionist, and I have still battled with it. I feel like finally in the last couple of years, I've really started to let go. And I had to intentionally learn how to do that. And so I have some tips for you on how to overcome it. After Tamra defines it for you, so back to Tamra.


Tamara Anderson  6:11  

Well, I think this is one of those verses that Satan just capitalizes on he runs amok in the world of religion, especially like you said, with women just, you know, whispering in our ears, you're not perfect enough, you're not lovable enough, because you're not perfect. You know, I'm sure I know, this is what he whispers in his ear in our ears, because I've heard him, you know what I mean? I've, he just takes this verse, and he runs with this. And at the end of the day, we women are tired, exhausted, worn out, because we're trying to be perfect. And we feel like complete and utter failures. And so if you feel this way, please know you're not alone. But we're going to unpack this now. So if you look at this word, perfect. In this verse, it comes from this, the Greek word teleios, which means complete. That's the literal translation. I don't know how this got translated, so weird and wonky in the English language, at least in this version, the King James Version of the Bible. But basically, what he's saying is here is "be ye therefore complete, even as your Father which is in heaven is complete," and complete, meaning that we have gradually progressed to where we're at the finish line, you know, it kind of evokes that idea of it is a process. And I think that is especially pertinent here we are at the end of this chapter five of the Sermon on the Mount. And that's what Jesus is kind of pointing us towards. It's, it's a journey. It is a journey towards completion, as I pause, and I really thought about this, the next verse that came into mind, is the verse where Paul is writing to Timothy. And he says, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. And that's in Second Timothy fourth, just that I have done all that I can do. And I have finished my race. And this is him at the end of his life saying this. And so I think that is the image we need to evoke with this one verse. It's not perfection, it is becoming a more whole and complete person. Bonnie, any thoughts on this?


Bonnie Randall  8:45  

Yeah, that book that I was just talking about, said in it, that it's being whole having integrity. And when you unpack what the word integrity means, right, it means more than just honesty. It means staying true to your character staying true to what you know, to. If something is has integrity in the building world and means it's unbreakable. It's strong. And it's maybe not unbreakable. But it's strong, it has strength. And so those, that definition has kind of been my guiding post in life, like, how can I remain strong? And if I'm not strong in this moment, how can I get strength? Who can I lean on such great, but that idea of working on wholeness, and when you've been broken by life's challenges and trials and abuse, or whatever it is, right? Like there's pieces of you sometimes that are taken away, or sometimes we leave things right like we may let go of something or whatever and need to pick it back up again. But this idea of being whole is interesting because we can't really be whole without Christ. And all of these scriptures lead us back to him and lead us back to the atonement. We will never ever, ever, ever, ever become hold. Without him. That was the whole point of the crucifixion and of the garden of guests enemy 70 and him rising, right? That's the combination of the Atonement. That's what when I'm saying the atomic, I mean, all three things. That's what we need to become complete and to become finished, right. But we won't even get finished until we're in heaven. Because there's still so many things we don't know. Right, and we're not going to learn them until we're on the other side. So once I understood that, I could then start putting that into practice. And I'll share that in a minute. So stay tuned, don't go anywhere.


Tamara Anderson  11:09  

Awesome, Wendi.


Wendi Christensen  11:10  

Um, I think it goes, like what Bonnie was saying, just building and adding upon that, and talking about perfectionism. Why do we even want to be perfect, right? What's that desire that drives us to be perfect. And I think for me, like I mentioned earlier, I grew up feeling I had to be perfect. And it was for acceptance. It was for feeling like I was enough. It's feeling like I'm enough, I'm complete, right? I want to be complete, I want to be whole. And I want to feel like I am enough. And Christ is the one that helps me to feel that I am enough because I will never be enough in this life. I hope in the life to come. But it all through it does all come through the Atonement, right? It comes through that atonement of Christ. And I see it now as Heavenly Father has this desire to help me to get there to wants me to get to this place. And it as long as I put in effort, as long as I have a desire to be enough, right? I have, as long as I have a desire to be perfect. I don't have to be perfect, He brings me there. He will bring me to perfection, He will bring me to being enough and being whole and complete. All I have to do is trust Him. And as I trust Him, then He will bring me to this point of perfection, or complete or whole. And so for me, I've just learned, I just have to keep trusting the Lord, if I just keep trusting him in my shortcomings in my fallacies and the things that I don't do. Correct in those and all those shortcomings that I have. If I can just keep turning to him every time I fall short, he'll bring me there. Because I never will be enough. But through the Atonement, I will, if that makes sense. So I just, every time I fall short, I just think, Okay, I'm just going to rely on my Savior. And I know that Heavenly Father loves me so much that he's going to just bring me to that state of complete and whole. So I'll just keep relying on him. And, and it almost gives me that I can breathe for a minute, I can just step back for a second. And I can breathe because I don't have to be perfect. I'm already enough right now. Because of Him. Like it's already there. I'm already complete. I'm already whole, but he's just gonna bring me to that place where I become more and more and more like him in my character and my attributes, that he'll help me to get there and are right there.


Tamara Anderson  14:08  

Absolutely. Oh, I love what you said there about Jesus brings me to that point. You know, it isn't a journey we take alone. And I think that's one of the things in this world that the and this is another one of Satan's big things is you have to do it all by yourself. Or you're not worthy enough or whatever, whatever comes behind that, you know. Yeah, you have to be strong enough to do it on your own. Well, the truth is, none of us are strong enough to do it on our own. We all need Jesus. Right. And so, I think I think that that is the part of this verse that I I wish there was something that there was like a little asterisks that says, Be therefore perfect with Jesus. So Be complete with Jesus. Because I think that's what, that's what was implied. And that's the only way we will ever become complete and whole is with him. And so I've kind of been thinking about that, and, and thinking, how, how do I grow towards this? And I think, as I pondered this the last couple of days, as I knew we were going to talk about this. I think the keys are first of all, recognizing, okay, I need to improve, you know, I see this part of me that I could really improve on praying and asking God for help. And then, one of the things that I learned, I can't remember it was a couple of years ago, was praying for the gift of the Spirit to help us overcome that thorn of the flesh, as Paul calls them, you know, those things that we wish they weren't part of who we are, they weren't part of our character, or part of our nature, I guess, is a better word. And so I know that Jesus can help me speak more kindly, or have better prayers, or whatever it is, whatever goal in our brain that helps us take the next step towards completion. That those are those are what I've been thinking about. Because it is it's a process. Body.


Bonnie Randall  16:31  

Okay, now you get to hear my amazing tips. I love it. And I'm sure you guys have even more, these are just a few of, I'm sure, we could come up with a very exhaustive list about overcoming perfectionism. And if he did, like a Google search, right, you would see 1000 YouTube videos, 8000 blog articles, a million books, right, like this topic has been talked about exhaustively. So this is just my personal experience, what's helped me so first is asking the Savior, asking God, what you personally need, okay? That is, like, always the very first thing for anything you want to change, because he knows you. And He knows your circumstances. He knows what programming you've had for him your scars from the past and your challenges, right? Like he knows what's going to overwrite and rewire those neural pathways, right? So he knows you. 


Bonnie Randall  17:33  

So step one is always going to be going to him and asking, what's my next step? What's my first step right? I can pretty much guarantee you, it's not going to be write a list of all your flaws. And pretty much tell you that's not going to be the first thing. And what's interesting is the 12 step program, I want to say it's like step four is inventory. But notice, that's like step four, that's further down the line of the steps of what you're gonna do, right? Yes, you need to have a true view and see yourself and not deceive yourself of things that are going on. That's a big part of recovery. But you do that, further down on the list. So what do you do before before you get a true view of who you are in terms of your eternal identity? Who I am? Who did I come to earth as who am I? Now? Who am I going to be right? Like answering that big question. And I can tell you, the answer is, you're a daughter or son of God. And just because you are that thing you are that person innately gives you an amazing amount of worth an infinite amount of worth. 


Bonnie Randall  18:50  

And the next thing we have to learn is that no matter what you do, that won't change. Your actions do not change your worth. Your actions might change what blessings and consequences you get in the kingdom. True, right? There's still repentance or certain laws there. So all those things, but it doesn't change who you are to God. It does not change your worth. In his eyes. Think about 1000 Different examples in the Bible with the prodigal son, the woman taken in adultery, the woman at the well, King David, I mean, I could go on and on and on listing examples of people who screwed up, Paul, you know, who screwed up and all the 12 disciples, but he used them anyway. He loved them anyway. They still received Him. God used them because they're worth wasn't changed, right? 


Bonnie Randall  19:55  

So then there's some practical things we can do as we're working on our worth, and gave me that true view of who we really are. Right? We can read some books, there's a really great one by Holly Girth, who's a Christian author called You a already amazing. Incredible. There's one called No One Can Take Your Place by Sheri Dew. Amazing. I've got a whole list for anyone who wants like more reading, messaged me and I will gladly give you my list. But one thing that I actually had an art teacher teach me and this will be my last piece of advice. And that really helped. I think, with the perfectionism thing in particular, was she had me I was really struggling with like, creating things because I wanted everything to be perfect in my art. And in my painting, and oh man, I really really struggled. She had me paint something and it was beautiful, turned out nice. And she was like, hey, now I want you to ruin it. And I was like, what? You want me to ruin this? And she said, Yeah, I want you to put like a black mark or something. I was like, No, I can. And she said, as soon as you can do that, you will start to move the needle on your perfectionism. I sat there for how a good half an hour, 45 minutes. And I'm in like my kids, I went to it. This was in an art class with my daughter's, k. And so I'm in this art class with all these children. And they're all looking at me to be this example. Like, well, it took me like what seemed like an eternity to finally put a black mark on my painting. And after I did it, it probably took me another like several days before I was okay with that black mark being on the thing. And then she had me change it. So after the black mark, you then morphed your picture to incorporate the black mark, so that you can see that mistakes can be turned into something beautiful. And I have taken that concept with many things in my life now where I will intentionally leave something good enough. Or I will intentionally put a mistake in something that actually makes me think of the Amish people who do that with their work anyway. But that has been kind of like exposure therapy in intentionally messing something up so they can see look, my world didn't fall apart. I'm still me. I still have worth even though I put a black mark on my paper even though I have a black mark. Even though I didn't do something perfect. I'm still worth worthy. Does that makes sense?


Tamara Anderson  23:01  

Yeah, no, that's perfect. I love that. Wendi, why don't you give us your final thoughts and and a takeaway really quick?


Speaker 1  23:08  

Yeah, sure. I you know, as you were talking, Bonnie, I was thinking, what is it that makes us what drives us to be that perfect, right, like you wanted everything to look so well and look so perfectly what? You know what, what drove me as a kid, I thought I felt like I had to get perfect grades and I had to be perfect with all of my friends and I had to be perfect for my parents even though they never asked me to be. But what the driving factor was, I didn't want to be rejected. I didn't want to be rejected by my friends. I didn't want to be rejected by God. Because I thought if I didn't do things right that God would reject me or or even Christ would reject me I didn't want to be rejected by myself. Because if I didn't do it right then I rejected myself and I think a lot of what feeds perfectionism is that drive to be accepted and loved and not rejected by other people and especially by ourselves and even by God there's so many times people are like, Well, God's not gonna like me he's not going to love me he's not if I don't do it right and I don't do it perfectly. That's not that's not how he operates. 


Wendi Christensen  24:19  

That's even if you read that scripture be there for whole complete even as your Father who is in heaven is complete. There's a process again and getting there Right? And, and it goes back to he doesn't expect it today. And he's going to bring you to that spot where you love and accept yourself where you're complete, where you're whole. To me that's like equal parts of everything coming together to make that complete person. And and so if I can just remember, I already am enough And then God will just keep building upon that, to help all the pieces come together, and they're all going to come together. And if I believe that, and I believe that I'm acceptable, as I am right now, and as I show up, all I have to do is show up and help help finish the painting, right? Like, all I have to do is show up. And even if I have black marks in that painting, he's gonna make it beautiful. I just have to show up and and want to be there. And then he'll make it complete. And I will become complete. So if I can look at instead of rejecting myself, if I'm not perfect and rejecting people around me, if I'm not perfect or rejecting the people are going to reject me if I don't show the perfect life on social media, which is another one we see where, you know, I've met with people where they're like, my marriage is falling apart. And then the next day, I see this beautiful picture of their family. And they're like, portraying out to everyone that their family is perfect when I just an hour ago spoke to them and their life is falling apart. But why do we feel like we have to project this perfectionism out social media, right? I love seeing the houses that are a mess, because I'm like, mine is too come in welcome to the mess, right? But where's that drive that I'm worried that people are not gonna love me or accept me. But if I can love and accept myself where I'm at, right? If I can accept that my house is it's okay, that it's a mess. Because I'm not perfect. But I love you, and I accept you. And I love and accept myself. It makes life so much easier. And it makes it makes my life so much easier if I can get to that place. And just realizing that you know what? They have my back and they're gonna get me there. And I'm lovable. I'm enough, just as I am in the process. And it's messy. And it's okay that it's messy. Because I'm becoming.


Tamara Anderson  27:03  

Yeah, that takes me back to I remember, probably 15 or 20 years ago, I heard a guy speak. And he said, he asked the question, he says, What is the purpose of commandments. And we had a whole discussion on commandments on you know, well, God's trying to show us the right way to walk the way that will help us be happier and live better lives. You know, we went through all this. And he said, I'd like to challenge that. He says, I would like to submit that the purpose of commandments is to help us realize how much we need Jesus Christ. Mm hmm. And I was like, Wait, what? You know that by ourselves. We are just gonna mess up time after time after time. But the purpose of the commandments isn't to beat ourselves over the head and say, I am not enough. I have no worth, that Satan does that that's what he wants us to believe. But the purpose of the commandments is to have us point us to Jesus Christ. Say, you can love your neighbor. You can love God. When you have Jesus, by yourself, you're not going to do it. And that's okay. That is the whole purpose is to point us to Christ. And so I think that that is what this whole Sermon on the Mount, if we could kind of boil it down, the most important thing that Jesus is really getting out here. He is trying to get us to up level, but he's trying to get us to up level with Him that we need Jesus. We need him to help us in all areas of our lives. And then the other thing I wanted to comment on was that portraying on social media, that everything is fine and dandy. And I think that's part of the reason we're in bathrobes and pajamas on this show is to show you that, hey, we can get on social media and not be all perfect. And it's okay. You know, I was one of the things that we wanted to do. We wanted to show you that our goal is to be authentic on this podcast, that you know, life. Life is messy, and I could show you my desk right now. It is a disaster. And I've got sticky notes on a piece of paper for the episodes we're recording today and miles of paper all around me and yeah, it's a mess. So authentically living is showing you here and I'll show you Oh, look at that. Here's all my papers. I'm just gonna be real here folks, you know, ah, Life is messy. And my house is messy. And do we work on cleaning up just like keeping your house clean is a process so is becoming complete and perfect. It's we two steps forward one step back. And that is life. Right. All right, let's wrap it up. Final takeaways. Wendi, let's start with you. And then Bonnie and then I'll finish it off.


Speaker 1  30:26  

Well, I just I love what you just said Tamra about. It's bringing us to Jesus Christ, right. It's bringing us even to our Heavenly Father. I love that concept. You know, when my kids mess up at we talked about grades, you know, that's a big thing where they think they have to be perfect. I don't expect perfection. And we talked a lot about that. But if you look at grades and life and compare it to like grades in school, I tell my kids, I just care that you try. You don't have to get straight A's. But just try, you know, just try your hardest if you're trying your hardest and doing your best. That's all that matters, right. And I think that Heavenly Father doesn't expect us to be absolutely perfect in everything he just expects us to come to show up to try. Put some effort in. And, and He will help us to get there. Because we already are complete, because we're His children. And he will help us to be able to feel complete through the things that we do, and bring us to where he wants us to be and where we want to be. Right. I want to be there with him. I want to have that desire. And as long as I keep that desire, we will be hope we will be complete doesn't have to look perfect.


Tamara Anderson  31:50  

Awesome. Love it, Bonnie.


Bonnie Randall  31:54  

My biggest takeaway. We are God's children. And everything we have ever talked about on the show points as to that very fact. Right? It always comes back to that. It always comes back to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and how we need him. And we can't do this life without him. And that's how it was designed. Sometimes that makes us feel maybe broken or weak or insecure. These other things like sometimes the rebellious teenager in me is like, I can do all my own. Right, I get all independent and and I don't like to hear that I need somebody else. But then when I am in those moments where I'm broken and falling apart on the floor, and I can't get myself up, it is nice to know I have a Savior, right? So there's, there's those changes in my personality all the time. I'm not bipolar or anything, but just kidding. But I do feel like it's a good reminder. And I appreciate that we talk about it every episode, how much we need him, and how much he's willing to be there. We just have to call out on call out to Him. And He will come running. Right? There's a recent talk in, in my church called or by a man named Elder Karen. And it is about how Christ is in relentless pursuit of us. And it makes me think of that Bethel music song, the goodness of God and how he's running after us. He is literally chasing us down, and he will not leave us comfortless and it is just the moral of the story. If we are struggling with this idea of perfectionism, turned to him for struggling with addiction, turned to him struggling with a marriage, turn to him and all things turned to him. And that is my testimony.


Tamara Anderson  34:12  

I love that. My one final thought is as I've listened to you, I would just say amen to everything you said is is a concept that I haven't shared, but it's kind of been running through my brain as we've been talking about that is that as a recovering perfectionist like Wendi and Bonnie here often will look at how far we have to go in the future and it just feels so far away. Like I feel like oh my gosh, I have so far to go to be complete. And this concept I was was introduced me to me by a guy named Dr. Benjamin Hardy. And he's a psychologist and fees says it's important for us when we're setting goals to measure the gain and not the gap. And so anytime I'm tempted to just look to the future and say, oh my gosh, I feel so discouraged because I am so far from becoming complete or free from becoming perfect. pause and say, Where was I last year? Am I doing better than I was last year? And maybe sometimes the answer is yes. And maybe sometimes the answer is no. But am I making progress. And so the point was to make progress at any time I fall into that. I'm never going to make it trap. I try to remember this concept of measuring the gain and not the gap and, and I sit down and like, I'll write in my journal, here are the things that I have gotten done this week. Maybe I didn't make progress on this one goal. But I did get all these things done. And you know what, at the end of writing that list, I'm like, Oh, I'm doing okay. You know what I mean? And so if you're falling into that trap, make your list of the Progress things, the things you have done. I got out of bed today. I made breakfast. You know, I read my scriptures, even though it was a verse, check, you know, and you'll find that as you're measuring the gain, that you won't feel that anchor weighing you down, because we're all doing stuff every single day. So anyway, thanks for joining us on today's episode, we could probably go on for another hour talking about overcoming perfectionism. But just know that it really does boil down yoke yourself to Jesus. And you will become complete. Awesome. Thanks for joining us today. Have an awesome day. 


Tamara Anderson  36:50  

Thanks for tuning in to Bible Women and Bathrobes hosted by Women Warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women are the teachings of the Savior today with you. If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder, all opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful. And may your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.


Transcribed by