Embrace Your Emotions: The Healing Journey

emotions healing self-aware self-reflection Jul 29, 2022

Dear Warrior of Light,

Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of healing? I invite you to explore the transformative power of embracing your emotions, as this path holds the key to your liberation.

Many of us have spent years avoiding or suppressing our feelings, trying to escape their grasp. We've masked them with various distractions and vices, yet they persist, influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and actions.

But here's a revelation that I've encountered on my own healing journey - our emotions are not adversaries to be feared; they are messengers, our soul's way of communicating. Each pang of hurt, each pang of pain, and every ache is a message, beckoning us to confront the emotions that have tethered us.

What if, instead of fleeing, you leaned into these emotions? What if you were brave enough to feel them, to acknowledge them, and validate their existence? The path to healing lies through this brave embrace.

Yes, it may hurt, and you may grieve, or even feel anger. Yet, as you traverse these emotional landscapes, feeling them in their entirety, you heal.

Many of us carry the weight of unresolved emotions that burden us with illness, pain, and draining energy. It's time to liberate that energy, allowing it to be a force for positivity.

If you're apprehensive about delving into your emotions, seek a trusted friend, confidant, or spiritual mentor with whom you can share your thoughts. Conversations can provide encouragement, support, and fresh perspectives.

If you'd rather embark on a solitary journey of self-reflection, nature is a welcoming canvas. In its serenity, you can explore your feelings, surrounded by peace and tranquility.

For those on the move, consider processing your emotions while driving, speaking them aloud as if in conversation, or confiding in your inner dialogue with God as your guide.

And if, after these attempts, you still seek guidance in processing your emotions, consider speaking with a counselor or coach. They possess invaluable tools to aid your journey.

In the end, the method you choose matters less than the commitment to confront and process your negative emotions rather than merely enduring their symptoms.

Remember, you are deserving of healing. Embrace your emotions, for through them, you discover the beautiful path of healing.

With much love,

Wendi Christensen, LCSW

P.S. - "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." - Psalm 34:18 (KJV)