Embracing Authenticity: Finding Strength in Vulnerability

authenticity self-care self-love self-worth vulerable Sep 30, 2020

My Beloved Sisters in the Light,

I come to you today with a heart that has been through a storm. Last week, the weight of the world, the stress of the Coronavirus, and the challenges of juggling my children's hybrid school schedules finally caught up with me. And, oh, how I wish I could say I handled it all with grace, but no, I had a breakdown.

In my vulnerability, I penned a blog post titled "I'm in my Pajamas and I'm Broken." It's a story of my raw, unfiltered journey through those moments when life's demands feel like they might just break us. I share this not to paint a picture of perfection but to offer a glimpse into the reality of our lives. The world often demands perfection, but what the world truly needs is authenticity.

In the wake of my blog post, a beautiful community of warriors like you came together. Your comments poured in, and one, in particular, made me smile, "Did you take off your cape for a day? Thanks for laying the cape down for us all to see. Sometimes our weakness is what makes others strong!!! Use that cape as a blanket. It is dual use." It's a reminder that our vulnerabilities can be our greatest strength, for they connect us in our shared humanity.

We need to know we are not alone in our brokenness, in our weariness. Life is hard, especially in these challenging times, and it is vital that we are authentic and willing to bear one another's burdens. Galatians 6:2 (KJV) reminds us, "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ."

On my podcast, "Why Authenticity is Worth It," I delve into the importance of embracing our authenticity. I share my first ever "outtake" from a conversation I had "off-air," and I have some exciting news to share at the end of the episode. Authenticity is a gift we give to ourselves and to those who walk alongside us in this journey.

This week's podcast episode is a genuine conversation with Diane Passey on a thought-provoking topic, "Does Weight Equal Worth?" Diane and I discuss the importance of self-care during our darkest moments. We talk about making lists of tactics to employ when life feels heavy. My favorites include escaping into a good book, taking a soothing shower, or indulging in a bit of chocolate ice cream.

What are your go-to tactics, dear sisters? In these challenging times, I hope you are practicing self-care. And if you're not, I encourage you to do something small today. We all need self-care to keep going, to keep shining our light, and hopefully, to do so without breaking.

May God's grace and strength sustain you as you walk your path with authenticity, bearing each other's burdens, and reminding one another of the beauty that exists in our shared vulnerabilities. Remember Philippians 4:13 (KJV), "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

With love and blessings,
