Embracing Change with Faith and Flexibility
Sep 14, 2022My Dearest Sister Warriors of Light,
Have you ever faced a momentous change in your life or watched as it profoundly impacted a loved one? Just last week, I embarked on a journey with my youngest child as we ventured into college life, and my heart swayed between the elation and excitement for her and the deep sorrow of being left behind.
Change, my friends, can be quite the challenge. And yet, I've noticed something intriguing as I've grown older. The more life has thrown at me, the more flexible I've become in embracing change. You might ask, "Why is that?" Well, I've learned that practice plays a significant role.
There was a time when I was rigid and resistant to change, but after two decades of raising children with autism, I've grown more flexible. I've cultivated a faith and hope that, regardless of the circumstances, God will guide me through it all.
For those of you navigating through change, I want to offer some resources to help you develop flexibility and faith:
Resources for Embracing Change with Faith
- Sharon's journey began with devastating news that her husband would lose his eyesight. Yet, with unwavering faith, courage, and a dash of flexibility, she found creative ways to navigate this challenge with grace. Listen to her inspiring story and explore her valuable tips for caregivers in our podcast episode, Sharon Leino: Adapting to Challenges with Flexibility & Faith. You can watch it on YouTube here.
- If you find yourself in a season of change, you may appreciate the insights inNavigating Seasons of Change with Hope. I share three tips that can help you transition through any change with greater ease. Watch it on YouTube here.
- In times of emotional upheaval, I've often turned to music for solace. Uplifting music draws us closer to God, providing the strength and capacity to navigate any change. Discover how you can connect with God through music in our episode, Connecting to God Through Music. Watch it on YouTube here.
Wherever you stand and whatever changes life has in store for you or a loved one, remember that God is by your side. His perfect love and guidance will help you become more flexible as life's twists and turns come your way.
Jesus reassures us, saying, "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you" (John 14:18).
So, my dear sisters, hold on for one more day. With faith and flexibility, and with God's assistance, you can navigate life's roller-coaster of changes, just as I find the strength to embrace the emotional whirlwind of sending my beloved daughter to college. (Thank goodness for FaceTime, as I've learned to adapt and stay connected.)
With unyielding hope,