Embracing Change with Faith: Stories of Transformation

change chronic illness hard times inspiration parenting preparation transformation Feb 16, 2022

My Dearest Women Warriors,

Today, I want to pose a question to you, one that often stirs a myriad of feelings and thoughts: "Do you like change?" It may appear to be a simple question, but as we navigate the intricate pathways of life, our responses can be as varied as the seasons.

Change, you see, can be a perplexing companion. Some changes bring delightful surprises and blessings, much like winning a prize, which we readily embrace. Yet, more often than not, we find ourselves resisting the winds of change, for it often carries us into the unknown, where our fears dwell. As creatures of habit, we may long for the comforting stillness of familiar landscapes, yearning for things to remain as they are.

I want to share a tender story with you, one close to my heart. My son, Nathan, graces this world with the beauty of his low-functioning autism. Change, any change, is a relentless foe for him. Last week, I took him to Disneyland, a place he adores. However, the ceaseless ebb and flow of novelty overwhelmed him on this particular visit. I watched over him, cognizant of his limits, ensuring that he was not overstimulated. For Nathan, change is a formidable adversary.

But not all change is unwelcome. We strive to change for the better, to cultivate new skills and develop our talents. This is a positive change, and it beckons us to embrace it with open hearts. So, perhaps the more fitting question is, "Do you like positive change?"

Whether you find comfort in change or prefer the solace of familiarity, one universal truth remains—life is in a perpetual state of change. It ebbs and flows like a mighty river, refusing to stand still. Therefore, it is crucial for us to learn the art of flexibility, to bend with the gentle and, at times, forceful currents of change.

Resources for Embracing Change

  1. A few years ago, my dear friend Mike shared a poem that left an indelible mark on my heart. It inspired me to invite him onto the show, so that you too can experience the profound impact of initiating a positive domino effect, beginning with yourself. Please, listen to Mike's message here, Michael Richards: Want to Change Your Family? Try This!
  2. My friend Leisa has journeyed through a series of challenging changes in her life, including consecutive family diagnoses that brought immense stress. She discovered vital lessons on how God could guide her through these tumultuous times. I encourage you to listen to her story and the wisdom she imparts here, Leisa Watkins: What to Do When It Rains and Pours Problems.
  3. Have you ever been gripped by paralyzing anxiety in the face of change? Last year, I shared six essential tips for successfully navigating change, along with a personal story of how I had to apply these very tips in my own life. I hope they offer you solace and guidance during times of transition. 6 tips to Navigate Change with Success
  4. Furthermore, if you ever feel trapped in a cycle of unchanging circumstances, I invite you to explore my conversation with my friend Ben, who holds a Ph.D. in psychology. His book delves into the possibilities of radical change for the better. You can find his episode here, Dr. Benjamin Hardy: Want to Change? You Can! Personality Isn’t Permanent.

My beloved friend, as you navigate the ebb and flow of changes in your life, remember that you do not journey alone. Invite God to walk by your side, and His divine wisdom and guidance will be your steadfast companions through every twist and turn. He desires the very best for you and stands ready to help you navigate change with a heavenly touch.

May you always carry hope in your heart, for change, my dear sister, can indeed bring about the most beautiful transformation.

With love and unwavering faith,


Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV): "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

Isaiah 43:19 (KJV): "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."