Embracing Joy and Wisdom Through the Ages

choose happiness wisdom Sep 20, 2016

Dear Sisters in Christ,

As I journey through life, I'm reminded that time passes quickly. How did my 19-year-old son grow up so fast?

Reflecting on my years working with the elderly, I've unearthed three profound lessons that resonate with the wisdom of Scripture:

1. Choose Happiness – Proverbs 17:22 (KJV)

The elderly taught me that attitude is paramount. One remarkable woman, despite her tragic past, radiated happiness. Her story of sending her husband off to war, only to never see him again, left us all in tears. Yet, she remained joyful throughout her 85 years. It dawned on me that happiness is a choice. Proverbs 17:22 reminds us, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." Despite life's trials, may we all choose happiness.

2. Wisdom Through Experience – Proverbs 4:7 (KJV)

Working with the elderly, I was awestruck by their life stories and the wisdom they imparted. As a recent college graduate, I marveled at their depth of knowledge, resilience, and patience. I often pondered how they acquired such wisdom. The answer lay in their life experiences. Having faced a car accident, chronic migraines, and raising children with autism, I've come to understand that experience is a profound teacher.

True wisdom emerges after navigating life's hardships. Embracing life's challenges, praying for early wisdom, and using our experiences to empathize and aid others through their struggles make us better individuals. Proverbs 4:7 says, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." Let's gain wisdom through life's trials and share it with others.

3. Embrace Aging – Job 12:12 (KJV)

Gray hairs and wrinkles are signs of a life well-lived. I, too, once resisted aging, plucking my first gray hair. Yet, age brings wisdom and stories etched into our faces. Embracing aging is a beautiful act. Job 12:12 reminds us, "With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days, understanding." Let's celebrate the privilege of aging, cherishing each gray hair and wrinkle as a testament to our life's journey. 

As my mother-in-law says, "Aging is a privilege" because the alternative is death.

So, dear friends, let's heed the wisdom of our elders, choosing joy, gaining wisdom, and embracing the privilege of aging, for in this, we find the grace of God.

With gratitude for life, love and wisdom,

Tamara K. Anderson