Embracing Life's Challenges: My "Normal For Me" Story

answer to prayer don't compare normal for me prayer Jan 10, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and surrounded by the love of our Heavenly Father. Today, I want to share a personal story, my "Normal For Me" story, a journey of faith and embracing life's challenges.

Have you ever had a regular day that suddenly turned into a soul-wrenching experience? I remember a beautiful spring day in Arkansas when my family decided to take a walk. Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary evening would hold a profound lesson.

Our journey was anything but typical. My four children, each unique, filled our home with joy and chaos. Jordan, the eldest at seven, was our communicator; Nathan, six, our stealthy wanderer; Jacob, a spirited two and a half, our escape artist; and baby Noelle, who still needed her stroller.

Our peaceful walk turned into a whirlwind when Nathan began a meltdown, crying and refusing to continue. It was a heart-wrenching experience. My husband took him home, and I continued the walk with the other children. As the sun set, I felt overwhelmed and questioned the challenges we faced. Why did we have two children with autism? Why was life so hard? Why couldn't we be a "normal" family?

In my despair, that night I knelt to pray. I asked, "Why can't we be like other families?" In that moment, God's answer came softly but firmly, "Tamara, this IS normal for you." It was a profound realization that shifted my perspective.

I had been comparing our family, our children, and our life to others. It was a futile pursuit that only led to despair. I needed to embrace the life and children God had blessed me with. This was my normal, and it was a gift.

God helped me see that no one's life is "normal" in the way we often perceive it. Our unique challenges are part of our individual journeys. My story is a testament to His grace, His guidance, and the peace that comes from accepting our "normal for me."

So, my dear sisters, I encourage you to embrace your life with all its challenges and blessings. Let go of comparisons and trust that God has a purpose for your unique journey. May this story inspire you to find joy and strength in your own "normal for me."

Blessings and love,

Tamara K. Anderson

P.S. Remember Philippians 4:13 (KJV), "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Our strength comes from Him, even in the most challenging moments.