Embracing Life's Changing Seasons with Trust

bible verse change gratitude trust god Oct 25, 2023

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I trust this message finds you well and wrapped in God's love. I recently had a profound experience that I wanted to share with you. A few weeks ago, my husband and I embarked on a scenic drive to witness the vibrant autumn foliage in the Utah mountains.

As I marveled at the splendid tapestry of changing leaves, it struck me how magnificent God's creations are, particularly in the transition of seasons. However, I must confess that I don't always view the changing seasons of my life with the same awe and wonder. Sometimes, I find myself struggling to accept the shifts and uncertainties.

But as daughters of the Almighty, should we not approach the changing seasons of life with unwavering trust in our Heavenly Father? This, my dear friends, is often easier said than done. We have all heard the timeless wisdom of Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."

Each season in our lives has a divine purpose. It may be a season of abundance, a season of loss, a season of joy, or a season of sorrow. In every season, we are called to find gratitude and trust in the plan our Heavenly Father has designed for us.

Just as the leaves transform from green to a brilliant array of colors, our lives, too, experience transformation. In these moments of transition, we can choose to embrace the beauty and trust in God's unwavering love. Let us stand firm in our faith, knowing that He who created the changing seasons also holds our lives in His loving hands.

May you find solace and encouragement in this truth, dear sisters. Embrace the changing seasons of your life with faith, gratitude, and trust in our ever-faithful God.

In Christ's love, Tamara K. Anderson