Embracing Small Victories

hope for future hope in hard times mothering challenges perseverance Mar 05, 2015

Dear Beloved Warriors of Light,

I was going through some old family photos and came across a picture that simultaneously made me laugh and brought tears to my eyes. It was taken during a family reunion and featured two of my children throwing tantrums while we attempted to take a cheerful group picture. Looking at it, I couldn't help but laugh, but the memory of those challenging moments also brought a tear to my eye.

In the photo, I'm standing there with a painfully forced smile on my face, doing my best to keep it together as we faced the chaos of two kids having meltdowns right in the middle of a family gathering. These were the moments that tested my patience and resolve as a mother, and, let's be honest, sometimes they still do.

I've come to realize that what truly defines us is how we navigate those difficult times. Do we throw in the towel, or do we persist, even when it feels like we're taking one step forward and two steps back? Raising two children on the autism spectrum has taught me to cherish the small victories, the baby steps, and the seemingly minuscule progress we make each day.

As I reflect on the years that have passed, I can see the monumental milestones that we've achieved through patience and persistence. I now remember a time when attending church meant chasing down an escapee child who would run amok during service. A quick grocery store run was once an ordeal with meltdowns waiting to happen. These were things that felt insurmountable and out of reach just five years ago.

To all of you who are currently navigating the challenging journey of motherhood, especially those with young ones who seem to be driving you to your wit's end, please keep the faith and remember that slow and steady truly wins the race.

I'm thinking of attempting another family picture soon, and this time, I'm aiming for genuine, heartfelt smiles all around.

Blessings and love,

Tamara K. Anderson

Isaiah 40:31 (KJV) - "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."