Embracing Unconditional Love: A Message of Hope

death of loved one faith god's love hope love others self-love May 26, 2021

My Beloved Sisters in Christ,

Grace and peace to you, dear warriors of light! As I write to you today, my heart overflows with a message of love, a love that is not always easy to define or grasp. What does real love look like, especially in those challenging moments when our faith is tested? I pray that the words I share today will illuminate this truth for you, as we dive deep into the boundless well of love.

Love, in the Face of Imperfection

Real love, my sisters, is not confined to the idyllic images of elderly couples on park benches or mothers cradling their newborns. Love, at its core, is a divine force that extends to even the most imperfect of souls. Today, I want to share with you a remarkable story that exemplifies this love – the love comedian Shawn Rapier has shown in his life. Shawn, in addition to dealing with his own battles with ADD, has adopted not one, not two, but six children, in addition to having two biological children of his own. His journey is a testament to the unconditional love that is possible when we open our hearts and lives to those who need it most.

In the Holy Scriptures, we find these words in 1 John 4:7 (KJV): "Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God, and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God." Shawn's journey is a living testament to this divine truth, for he has embraced the calling of love, mirroring the Father's heart by opening his arms to the orphaned and vulnerable. Read or listen to his story here, Shawn Rapier: Adoption & How I Learned Love is Unconditional.

Love of the Savior

In our previous gathering, I had the privilege of sharing a powerful revelation that came from an episode with Caroline Rose. It is an image that has etched itself upon my heart – the image of our Savior gazing through time, fixing His loving gaze on each one of us as He bore the weight of our sins on the cross. My dear sisters, this is true love in its purest form, a love that knows no bounds, no restrictions. It is the love that can carry us through the darkest of moments.

In John 3:16 (KJV), we read, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Let this verse be a guiding light in your journey, a reminder of the love that was demonstrated for us by our Savior, Jesus Christ. His love is an everlasting, unchanging force that is always there for us, no matter the circumstances. You can hear more about this topic by checking out the podcast it out at: Picture This & Pull Through Your Darkest Moments.

Love Yourself

Loving ourselves, my dear sisters, can be a daunting challenge. It's a journey filled with self-doubt and inner struggles. Yet, it is an essential aspect of love that we must not neglect. A few years ago, I penned a blog post that detailed a personal epiphany – the importance of loving ourselves, despite the difficulties. You can read it here: How I Learned to Love Myself and Change the World. In Matthew 22:39 (KJV), Jesus instructs us, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." To love our neighbor as ourselves, we must first learn to love and accept who we are.

So, how do we recognize real love? It is not confined to picturesque scenes or gestures; it extends to the depths of our own souls. Real love is found in the mirror when we look at ourselves with compassion and say, "I LOVE YOU." It is expressed when we share love with others, whether they are friends, spouses, family, our Heavenly Father, or even our cherished pets. Remember, dear warriors, that love does not require perfection. We can love and be loved just as we are.

As I close this letter, I challenge you with a two-fold mission. First, stand before the mirror, and with a heart filled with grace, declare, "I LOVE YOU." Second, extend this love to others – to a friend, a spouse, a cousin, and yes, even to God, who loves you immeasurably. Share love, feel love, and let it increase your hope, for it is by love that we reflect the true light of our Lord.

May the love of our Heavenly Father be your guiding star, and may your hearts continue to shine brightly as beacons of His love. Stand strong, my sisters, and keep the faith.

In His love and light,
