Empower Your Daily Walk with These Biblical Tips

author spotlight books learn meditation newsletter prayer scripture study tips worship Aug 01, 2024

WWL Newsletter #1

Fellow Women Warriors!

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You will receive our inspirational content 1-2 times per month. Our goal is to help give you ideas and tips to make you daily battles easier.

Today we share 8 tips to help you power-up, because I don't know about you, but at this point in the summer I am just hanging on through the crazy until the routine of fall sets in.

Below is a photo of (left to right) Jen Brewer, Wendi Christensen & Tamara Anderson from your WWL Advisory board. We were at a retreat together in June.

Empower Your Daily Walk with These Biblical Tips

1. Start Your Day with Scriptures & Prayer

Begin each morning with a verse from the Bible and humble prayer to set a positive, faith-filled tone for your day. 

Consider subscribing to our Daily Light email to receive a daily dose of God's word directly to your inbox (it is only $5/month). 

Already receive Daily Light? Let us know what you think by responding to this email.

2. Reflect and Meditate

Take a few moments each day to meditate on a piece of scripture or a teaching of Jesus. This helps deepen your understanding and connection to your faith. 

I love turning Bible verses into affirmations or even prayers. For example, my favorite verse is Phillippians 4:13 which says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” 

Affirmation: Today I face all things with Jesus who is my strength! I can even post these affirmations on my mirror, on my phone or share them online.

Prayer, “Dear Lord, Help me be strong in Jesus Christ today as I face my daily battles. Bless me to manage the difficulties which come my way with grace, patience, wisdom, and strengthening angels.” 

3. Listen and Learn

Tune into our Bible, Women & Bathrobes podcast twice a week, where we explore the teachings of Jesus and share inspiring stories of women in the Bible. Each episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for living a Christ-centered life. 

Check out the podcast videos on YouTube (please subscribe:), Facebook/Instagram @womenwarriorsoflight, or on our website under the blog  You can also listen to the podcast on your favorite podcasting platform.

4. Practice Gratitude

Keep a gratitude journal and write down 3 things you are thankful for each day. This practice can help you focus on the positive and recognize God's blessings in your life.

Keep reading below for the next 4 tips.

5. Incorporate Worship into Your Routine

Find moments to worship God throughout your day, whether through

  • listening to Christian music
  • singing hymns
  • simply praising Him in prayer during joy or sorrow

I like to chat with God when I am on early morning walks or driving alone in my car. It is awesome! 

How do you best connect with God on a daily basis?

6. Read Inspirational Books

Expand your understanding and faith by reading books written by Christian authors. These can provide fresh perspectives and deepen your spiritual journey. 

One book I am reading by a wonderful Christian woman is Slow Down, Mama by Patty H. Scott. When she was talking about intentional living and spending time with those we love she said, "The day to eat up the goodness of our relationship is today. I don't want to spend my life accomplishing more tasks. I want to invest my time in the people and purposes that matter most."

We are starting an endorsed provider list. If you have suggestions for books, music, products etc. you or your family love, please reply back to this email.

7. Join Our Women Warrior Workshops

Our Women Warrior Workshops happen 2-4 times a month and cover a wide range of topics from menopause to helping kids with chores and healing relationships. 

If you want to learn more, sign up to view our first six Women Warrior Workshops for FREE here

Want the workshop & Daily Light? Get our Cadet or Standard Warrior Membership today!

8. Stay Connected

Stay updated with our newsletter for more tips, inspirational stories, and upcoming events. We are here to support you in your faith journey. 

Do you have a question you’d like to see us answer on a Women’s Warrior Workshop or on an upcoming podcast? Tell us here.

Wendi recently shared a short mental health tip. Check out the YouTube short here.

Want more mental health tips? Check out this article.

Advice for Mothers from Children's Book Author Sharon Leino

In a recent blog post, we featured Sharon Leino a beloved children's book author.

She was asked, "What advice would you give to the mothers of young children as they help their children face challenges?"

Here are her heartfelt tips:

  • Help them to know Jesus and His love.
  • Love them with hugs and kisses.
  • Take time with them. They are your most valuable asset.
  • Read to them.
  • Be part of their lives so that you know that they have friends who are kind and faithful.
Read more about Sharon and her chapter books for elementary aged children on her website here.
Check out her books on Amazon: Scaredy, Wandering Ears, and Tame that Flame.

God bless you to have a beautiful end to your summer.

You are loved by our God, the most powerful being in the universe. You are His precious daughter. He will not forget you nor abandon you.

Keep up the good fight and hold to the hope that he can fill you with peace amidst any hardship. Walk with Him!

With sisterhood and faith,

Tamara K. Anderson