Empowered Resolutions: Embracing God's Guidance for Your Goals

following inspiration goal setting new years resolutions Jan 17, 2018

Dear Sisters in Christ,

As Christian Women Warriors of Light, we are no strangers to setting New Year's resolutions only to see them fade away by the end of the year. I, too, have been in that cycle of fleeting resolutions. But something changed last year.

Step 1: Build the List Setting a meaningful goal begins with envisioning the possibilities. To break free from the cycle of unfulfilled resolutions, I started with a list, jotting down everything I wished to achieve in the coming year. I allowed my dreams to flow freely, knowing that it's often in our dreams that we discover our deepest desires. This was the first step in a transformative journey, a process of self-discovery where I acknowledged the dreams that had long lain dormant within me.

Step 2: Seek Divine Guidance Once the list was in place, it was time to bring God into the equation. Seeking divine guidance is a pivotal step in achieving an inspired resolution. I turned to prayer and meditation, laying my list before God and asking for His wisdom and direction. In those sacred moments, I let my heart open to receive the divine answer. Sometimes, the Lord responds with a clear revelation, like a "light-bulb moment," while other times, it's an inner sense of peace and assurance that we're on the right track. By inviting God into the process, we ensure that our chosen goal aligns with His purpose for our lives.

Step 3: Make a Commitment The next step involved a significant decision: to commit to the goal that God had illuminated. It's natural to feel apprehension when faced with a goal that stretches us beyond our comfort zone. For me, the highlighted goal was publishing a book, something I felt least equipped to do. Yet, I knew that if I ignored God's answer, it would weigh on my mind. God's promise in Romans 8:31, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" gave me the courage to move forward. It was time to choose whether I would embrace the inspiration I had received or let fear hold me back.

Step 4: Invest in Yourself To make real progress toward my goal, I had to invest in myself. The decision to attend an author training program was a significant part of this investment. It was a leap of faith, both in my abilities and in God's guidance. The training not only equipped me with the practical knowledge I needed but also introduced me to a community of fellow writers and mentors. I realized that investing in ourselves means not only acquiring knowledge but also dedicating time to our goal. I had to adjust my daily routine, prioritizing my goal over distractions. It meant sacrificing some leisure activities and screen time to focus on my dream. This commitment, along with God's guidance, gave me the strength to overcome challenges.

Step 5: Build Trust with God Throughout this journey, I deepened my trust in God and His guidance. I learned that closed doors often lead to the right one. Even though previous attempts to publish my book had ended in rejection, it became clear that God had been preparing me for a different path all along. This new path was illuminated by the mentorship of Richard Paul Evans, and it was the one I needed to walk through. I accepted that sometimes God's plan involves flexibility and humility, as our journey unfolds differently from what we initially imagined. Through it all, my trust in God grew, knowing that I was on this path with Him.

This transformative journey led to the achievement of my goal in 2017, and it's a testament to the incredible power of aligning your resolutions with God's guidance and grace. It's a process that anyone can undertake, and with faith, it can lead to remarkable outcomes.

Call to Action If you're tired of making resolutions that never stick, embark on a journey from fear to confidence with faith. Download the My Inspired Resolution Workbook and let the light of God guide your path.

In His grace and strength, 

Tamara K. Anderson