Empowering Women: Strength Training Over 40 (or younger)

exercise fitness physical fitness strength training May 19, 2023

Dear Warrior of Light,

I hope this letter finds you well. Today, I want to share a personal journey with you, one that involves strength, perseverance, and a touch of Kung Fu Panda wisdom.

For the longest time, I've been more of a walker than a runner. It's been my preferred way to stay active. But as life progresses, our bodies change, and I found myself facing the challenges of pre-menopause. I knew it was time to talk to my doctor about my health and explore new ways to stay fit.

Her recommendation surprised me - she suggested incorporating strength training into my routine. The idea of lifting weights seemed daunting, but I was willing to give it a try. So, I embarked on a journey with a simple book and program, "Strength Training Over 40" by Alaina Collins.

I remember starting at what felt like ground zero, just like that memorable scene in "Kung Fu Panda" where the Master talks about a level zero. I could barely manage 2 reps of 10 with some of the basic exercises, using 5-pound weights. I was sweating profusely, and it became painfully evident that my body was far from being in shape.

But I persevered.

I stuck with the program for a couple of months, gradually increasing my repetitions and the weights I used. The results were astounding - I was losing inches, and more importantly, I felt better. The soreness was there, but it was a reminder that I was progressing.

This journey taught me a valuable lesson. Sometimes, we need to step out of our comfort zones, just like Po in "Kung Fu Panda," who embarked on a challenging journey despite his doubts. It's in those moments of vulnerability and uncertainty that we discover our strength.

Now, I want to ask you, dear friend, what types of exercise have you found helpful in your life? If you haven't explored exercise yet, what would you be willing to try?

Remember, it's never too late to start. Begin your journey today, no matter your age or fitness level. Embrace the challenge, and you'll be amazed by the results.

Stay strong, keep moving, and let your inner warrior of light shine!

With love and encouragement,
