Finding Christmas Joy Amidst Loneliness

christmas holiday blues holidays hope in christ loneliness tips for hard times Dec 21, 2022

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I hope this message finds you well as we approach the Christmas. It's a time that can evoke a range of emotions, from joy and excitement to loneliness and a sense of not belonging. I want to share a personal story from my teenage years when my family moved across the country, leaving behind everything I knew and loved in Virginia to start a new life in Arizona.

The move was a significant change, and I found it challenging to make new friends in this unfamiliar place. As Christmas approached, I couldn't help but feel that something was missing. The warm Arizona weather was a stark contrast to the cold, snowy Christmases I had experienced in Virginia. I wondered how it could truly be Christmas when there was no snow or familiar faces around me.

I began to feel like an outsider, someone who didn't quite belong. It was a lonely time, and the holiday season only seemed to highlight my sense of not fitting in. I longed for the familiar, the comfort of the holidays I had known before.

But then, something remarkable happened that changed my perspective and rekindled the magic of Christmas for me, even in the midst of a new and unfamiliar place.

Sometimes, all it takes is a small act of kindness, a moment of being seen and noticed, to help us feel loved and cherished. It can transform our perspective and warm our hearts, even in the most challenging circumstances.

If you've ever felt like you didn't quite belong or if the holiday season brings feelings of loneliness, I want to share some resources that may bring you comfort and hope during this time:

Resources for Christmas Hope

  1. The One-Piece-at-a-Time Nativity Gift: In this podcast, I share the story of our family's move to Arizona and what changed my perspective that Christmas. It's a heartwarming tale that I hope will resonate with you and remind you of the true spirit of the season. Listen to it here, The One-Piece-at-a-Time Nativity Gift. You can watch it on YouTube here.

  2. A Peek at the Anderson Family Christmas Program: Christmas is a time for traditions, and in this episode, I share our family's Christmas program, which is filled with joy and the true meaning of the season. I hope it brings a smile to your face and a sense of belonging. A Peek at the Anderson Family Christmas Program or you can watch it on YouTube here.

  3.  Free Gift: You can also download our Christmas program for free from the show notes and incorporate it into your family tradition this holiday season. 

Remember, you are never truly alone, and you are always within the reach of God's love. If you find yourself feeling disconnected or struggling with the holiday blues, take a moment to pray and ask God for His guidance and comfort. He is the Prince of Peace, and He can bring serenity to your heart during this season.

If you're feeling lonely, consider asking God for guidance on how you can serve others, even in small ways. Sometimes, reaching out to a friend or a neighbor can lead to moments of laughter and connection that bless both you and the other person. It's a beautiful way to experience the joy of giving during the holiday season.

As we approach Christmas, let's rejoice with the angels, for unto us is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11). Because of His birth, we are never truly alone or lonely. He is with us through all the ups and downs of life, bringing His peace and joy.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, dear friend. May your heart be filled with hope and the warmth of God's love.

With love and blessings,


PS--If you know someone who may be feeling lonely or a little broken during this season, consider gifting them a digital copy of my booklet, "A Broken Down Holiday," an affordable and meaningful gift that can provide comfort and inspiration.