Finding God in Life's Darkest Nights

angels answer to prayer dark nights faith in christ hard times hope in adversity Jan 09, 2024

My Dearest Sisters in the Battle for Our Lives,

Where is God in hard times? Where is He when viruses, earthquakes, and war sweep through the world? Doesn’t He know? Doesn’t He care? Is He really there?

I've pondered these questions, just as many of you may have during life's toughest trials. So, allow me to share a few of the invaluable lessons I've learned while navigating through my own challenging moments – lessons that have illuminated the path to hope and unwavering faith in God.

The Longest Night of My Life

One night, the world felt particularly dark as my son, Nathan, who has low-functioning autism, was wracked with intense distress. It was around 2:00 am, and he was inconsolable, unlike anything I'd ever witnessed. Desperation set in as our efforts to comfort him proved futile. Pain medication, prayers, and distractions – nothing worked.

In the depth of that agonizing night, my pleas to God turned into desperate sobs. I remember uttering, "God, we've tried everything, and nothing is working. I don’t know what to pray for anymore, but we need help."

Then, a thought appeared like a whisper in my mind – "pray for angels."

I immediately reached out to every deceased ancestor I could think of, beseeching them to come, calm Nathan, and grant me the strength to endure.

Although I never saw these angels, I felt their presence. An overwhelming sense of peace, comfort, and love enveloped us both, eventually bringing calm to Nathan's torment.

Lesson 1: God and Angels are Real

Some may question or doubt, but I stand firm in my belief that angels were with us that night. It transformed my nightmare into a profoundly spiritual experience. While I may not have seen the angels, I felt their presence. In the midst of my darkest hour, they saved me, and their existence became an unshakable truth.

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." - Psalm 30:5

This night taught me that I am not alone, that I am loved. God and His angels stood beside me, turning one of the darkest nights of my life into one of the most comforting. They saved me then, and their presence continues to guide and strengthen me. God is there, and He does answer our prayers – though it may take time.

Lesson 2: For My Good

One of life's greatest mysteries is understanding how some of our most challenging moments can ultimately become pivotal learning experiences. As a teenager, a dear friend shared a scripture with me, shedding light on this concept.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God." – Romans 8:28

This scripture conveyed the idea that, regardless of the circumstances or their origin, God has the power to turn them into something good. I now comprehend that God allows trials in my life to help me grow, improve, and become the "Tamara 10.0" He envisions, which is far superior to the "Tamara 2.0" I am today. I've learned to trust Him as I undergo this spiritual upgrade, even when it involves pain and adversity.

Lesson 3: Be an Angel

In the aftermath of a minor tornado that struck our Arkansas neighborhood, I was moved by the love and unity that emerged during the cleanup. We all rallied together, supporting and helping one another. That catastrophe drew our community closer, fostering love and service, and we became like angels to one another.

"God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." - Spencer W. Kimball

Perhaps the trials we endure can transform us into angels, guided by love and empathy. When you feel inspired to act with kindness, don't hesitate. Our Heavenly Father never intended for us to face our trials in solitude – we are meant to be angels to one another. In times of despair, when no one else can help, you can seek the aid of real angels – whether on Earth or in heaven.

Where is God in hard times? Where is He when viruses, earthquakes, and war sweep through the world? Does He know? Does He care? Is He really there?

He is ever-present, vigilant, and deeply caring. Throughout life's storms, He extends His hand to us – at times through earthly angels and sometimes through heavenly ones. These experiences offer us opportunities to grow, to help, and to love.

Rest assured, dear sisters, that in the midnight of your life, you can turn to Him for help. And remember, sometimes what you need to pray for is the presence of angels.

With unwavering faith and love,
