Finding God's Peace & Strength Amid Life's Storms

overwhelmed peace and quiet physical challenges trust god Feb 24, 2021

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

Grace and peace to you, my dear friends.

In the hustle and bustle of life, have you ever struggled to find a quiet place to "be still"? I can certainly relate. In my own home, amidst the joyful chaos of my son Nathan, who graces our lives with the unique melody of his low-functioning autism, it can be challenging to carve out moments of stillness. Yet, it's not just the physical noise that surrounds us, but the clamor of the world itself that can drown out that still, small voice of God.

For all of us, there are moments when the weight of life bears down, and we find ourselves cast adrift on the sea of sadness, loneliness, or overwhelming despair. In such times, it becomes imperative to seek solace in the arms of our Savior. The act of finding a quiet sanctuary within, where we can commune with God and experience His peace, is a divine gift.

It's in these moments that I'm reminded of a time in my own life when the diagnosis of autism in Nathan left me feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. I yearned for peace amidst the storm, and I discovered a valuable lesson in the process. It's a story I'd like to share with you, dear sisters, for it may offer you guidance and solace in your own challenging moments. As Psalm 46:10 reminds us, "Be still, and know that I am God." Listen to that story in a podcast episode here: "How I Endured Feeling Overwhelmed in One Easy Lesson."

But the journey doesn't end with my story. I recently had the privilege of interviewing a remarkable woman, Sue Lamoree. She was a vibrant, healthy 40-year-old until a diagnosis of Transverse Myelitis confined her to a wheelchair. Sue's transformation from sadness and bitterness to a life filled with joy is nothing short of inspiring. Hear more of her journey here, "Sue Lamoree: My Key to Success When My Body Fell Apart." It's a testament to the divine strength and grace that can help us navigate the most unexpected detours on our life's journey. Proverbs 17:22 assures us that "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."

Sue's story is a beacon of hope, demonstrating that with God, nothing is impossible. Despite the unexpected twists and turns, she found a renewed purpose and pursued her dreams. As Christian women warriors of light, we must remember that God can use even the darkest chapters of our lives to write a beautiful story of redemption and transformation. Romans 8:28 offers us this assurance: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

Beloved sisters, in the midst of life's challenges, never lose sight of the belief that things can and will get better. We are warriors of light, and with God as our guiding star, there is always hope on the horizon. Let us lean on our faith, love, and the wisdom of His Word, ever ready to share His love with a world that so desperately needs it.

May the peace of the Lord be with you all.

In His love and grace,
