Finding Hope When You Feel Forsaken

faith forsaken not alone strength in christ trust god Nov 10, 2021

Dear Warrior Sister,

Have you ever felt forsaken, abandoned, and alone? In the midst of life's struggles, it's easy to believe that God has turned away from us, especially when we make mistakes and feel weak. But I want you to know that you're not alone in these feelings.

Here are some resources for when you are feeling forsaken:

  1. I've been through moments when I questioned God's love and felt utterly forsaken. When my son Jacob was in Kindergarten, he watched baby chicks hatch from their eggs, and it reminded me of a valuable lesson. I shared this perspective-changing experience in a podcast episode titled "Has God Forsaken Me?" It taught me that God doesn't view us as forsaken, even when we're in the midst of struggles.
  2. Then there's Sheldon, who felt weak and abandoned because of his constant mistakes and failures. In an episode, he shared how he learned to combat negative thoughts with the truth and let go of the damaging habit of comparing himself to others. His story in "Sheldon Mills: Stop Comparing Your Bloopers to Others' Highlight Reel" resonates with many of us who have experienced similar feelings.
  3. I also interviewed Erin Nimmer, who offered an incredible piece of advice. She suggested holding onto the little things that remind us of God's love, even in our darkest moments. In her interview, she recounted a time when she was in a deep, dark place and felt an overwhelming sense of God's love and His desire to comfort her. Those precious moments have been her source of strength. Her story in "Erin Nimmer: Overcoming Bipolar Disorder and Postpartum Depression" is truly inspiring.

In these challenging moments, it's crucial to remember that God's love for us is unwavering. As Jeffrey Holland beautifully stated, "God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve it. It is simply always there." So, when you feel forsaken and abandoned, remember that God loves you, and you are not alone. Jesus, who also experienced abandonment, is there to succor you in your times of grief, sorrow, and despair. You're never alone.

In Isaiah 49:16, God assures us, "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands." You are engraved in His love, and He will never forsake you.

Hope on!
