Finding Hope and Answers with God

answer to prayer faith prayer questions and answers Jul 05, 2023

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I hope this letter finds you well and filled with the light of our Lord. I want to share a verse that has been on my heart lately: "Be ready always to give an answer...of the hope in you." (1 Peter 3:15)

Have you ever been in a situation where someone asked you a question, and you didn't know how to respond? I'm sure we all have. It can be daunting, but I want to remind you that we are not alone in those moments. God is with us, ready to guide our words.

I was reminded of my time as a missionary for our church. We often faced tough questions from those we were trying to share our faith with. In those moments, I would silently pray for guidance because I didn't always have the answers. But I knew that God did. He never failed to bless us with the words to respond.

This approach isn't limited to missionary work; it applies to various aspects of our lives. Whether we're teaching a class, facing challenges in motherhood, or encountering any difficult questions at work, we can turn to God for wisdom. He knows the answers.

The key, I believe, is to lean on God when we encounter these tough questions and to study them out with Him. He is always willing to help us and teach us when we seek His guidance. Also, I encourage us all to study His word so that when we are seeking for answers, there is a well of His knowledge to draw from.

So, dear sisters, I encourage you to remember this verse and the power of seeking God's wisdom when you're faced with challenging questions. He will provide the answers, and in doing so, you'll be sharing the hope that resides within you.

In His love and grace,
