Finding Hope in the Midst of Trials

counting blessings faith hope overcoming struggles Mar 17, 2021

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I greet you with a heart full of love and a desire to share a story of hope that I believe will resonate deeply with the warriors of light that you are. Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you felt utterly lost, questioning whether God truly saw and cared for you? I know I have, and it is during these moments of uncertainty that our faith is tested and refined. Today, I want to offer you not just resources, but a story of faith, love, and divine guidance that I believe will touch your hearts.

Three Truths Learned from Lost Gloves (Luke 15:4-7)

In my recent journey of faith, while preparing to teach a Sunday School lesson, I found myself reflecting on the profound lessons that God had revealed to me. I shared these lessons in my latest podcast, and I want to highlight them here. Just as in Luke, where Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep, I want to remind you that God, our loving Shepherd, leaves the ninety-nine to seek the one who is lost. He sees us even in our moments of doubt.

Dr. Bill Bach: How Divorce, Cancer, and God Changed My Perspective (Jeremiah 29:11)

I had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Bill Bach for a podcast interview, where he shared his remarkable journey of faith in the face of divorce and cancer. This reminds me of the promise in Jeremiah 29:11, where God assures us of His plans to prosper us and give us hope. Even in our darkest moments, God is at work, shaping our perspectives and leading us to new beginnings.


Counting Blessings in the Midst of Struggles (Romans 8:28)

Just this past Sunday, I had the privilege of teaching the women in my congregation at church. Hearing the stories of the struggles they faced during the pandemic was both humbling and inspiring. What touched my heart the most was how many of them had turned their struggles into sources of joy. They found solace in family, deepened their prayer lives, delved into Scripture with newfound enthusiasm, and discovered joy in simple activities like puzzles and long walks. It brought to mind the beautiful truth in Romans 8:28, that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him.

One woman shared a poignant quote that beautifully sums up her journey: "I have seen more blessings than struggles." Sisters, may this be our prayer and declaration as we continue to navigate the unique and challenging paths God has set before us.

In closing, my dear sisters, I want to remind you that, in times of doubt and confusion, God is always with us. He sees us, cares for us, and leads us through the darkest valleys into His marvelous light. May you find hope, strength, and renewed faith in these stories and verses.

With love and prayers,
