Finding Christmas Peace, Joy, and Love in Life's Storms with Christ

christmas faith in christ faith journey grace seeking unity sisters in christ uncertainty Dec 23, 2023

Hey Beautiful Sisters in Christ,

Can you feel it? The Christmas spirit is in the air, and I believe there's a special message just for you in this season of miracles and joy.

Life can throw some serious curveballs, can't it? Whether it's financial struggles, the ache of losing a loved one, relationship battles, or the heavy weight of school or work challenges – we all face storms.

But here's the thing, sweet friend: the peace of Christ transcends every trial, even in our darkest days.

Remember those shepherds who got the message in the dead of night? The angel reminded them to, "Fear not." That's for us too. May we wrap ourselves in the peace that only Christ can bring during our trials.

And oh, when life takes an unexpected turn, it's easy to get discouraged, isn't it?

Again we can find an answer in the Christmas story. Look at Elizabeth and Mary. Elizabeth longed for the gift of motherhood for what felt like an eternity. When the Angel Gabriel promised her a son, her joy was the realization of a lifelong dream. Mary, faced with fears and uncertainties about her pregnancy, found joy in accepting that she was chosen to be the mother of the Christ child. Let's learn from these incredible women and find joy in the midst of our discouragements and fears.

I have also noticed increasing discord in the world around us. It seems like the adversary is doing his best to drive us apart, doesn't it?

But in this season, let's be reminded that the love of Christ runs deeper than any differences. The Nativity story in Luke is a testament to diversity – the old and the young, heaven and earth, animals and people, nobles and Gentiles – all coming together through the birth of Jesus. It's a beautiful reminder for us too: in our differences, let's seek unity and love.

And my dear sisters and friends, let's not forget why Jesus came into this world – to change it. As we open our hearts to Him, He transforms us. Through Him, we find hope in our uncertainties, peace in our trials, joy in our discouragements, and love in our differences.

So, beautiful souls, as we embrace the magic of Christmas, let's hold onto the message of hope, peace, joy, and love that Christ brings. May your Christmas be filled with the warmth of His love and the beauty of His grace.

Merry Christmas, my sweet sisters.

In His love, 
