God's Unwavering Love: A Message for When You're Feeling Forgotten

bible verse death of loved one god's love inspiration not alone Jul 16, 2023

My Dear Warrior Sister,

As I sit here beside my son Nathan, who has low-functioning autism, I am moved to share a message of love and hope with you. In moments of hardship, it's easy to question whether we are truly loved and seen by God. I want you to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that God's love encompasses you in every way.

I was reflecting on a few Bible verses this morning, one that speaks to those times when we feel abandoned and believe we are beyond God's love. In Isaiah chapter 49, we encounter a poignant passage: "But Zion said, The Lord hath forsaken me. And my Lord hath forgotten me." It's a sentiment many of us can relate to, feeling forsaken and forgotten, as if God's love has slipped away.

But here's the breathtaking response from God in the very next verses: "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee." It's a powerful declaration that God's love is unwavering, even when we doubt.

As a mother who has nursed a baby, you understand the unique bond that forms in those moments. You can't forget that nursing baby; it's an instinct, a love that flows naturally.

And here's the part that fills my heart with joy in verse 16: "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me." This is Jesus speaking directly to us, assuring us that He hasn't forgotten, and He loves us deeply.

Nathan, my precious son, knows a few sign language signs, and one of them is "I love you." It's a reminder of love.

I want you to know that God loves you just as profoundly. If you're grappling with doubts this morning, I want you to hear this message loud and clear: Jesus sees you. He loves you. He hasn't forsaken you, and He certainly hasn't forgotten you. Embrace this truth and carry it with you throughout your day, knowing that you are cherished beyond measure.

With all my love,
