God's Perfect Timing: The Art of Asking and Receiving

answer to prayer ask & receive ask god bible women & bathrobes gifts podcast prayer sermon on the mount Aug 27, 2024


How Do I Ask God So I Can Receive? 

Bible, Women & Bathrobes, Episode 41

Sermon on the Mount, part 21


Wendi, Amy & Tamara discuss the Sermon on the Mount, focusing on Matthew 7:6-11. They explore the concept of giving and receiving, emphasizing the importance of sharing sacred experiences wisely and not casting pearls before swine. They reflect on the significance of asking and receiving, noting that sometimes answers come in unexpected forms and at unexpected times. They share personal anecdotes about seeking divine guidance and understanding, highlighting the importance of trusting God's timing and asking the right questions. The discussion underscores the idea that God's gifts are abundant and tailored to our needs, even if they don't always align with our initial expectations.


Main Takeaways

  • From Amy, “An abundant God, a perfect God, a good God, a loving God, sees how strong I am, and he will not withhold anything that I absolutely need now or even want he but he will, financially seems to be blaring in my head right now, and maybe this is a problem for a lot of people, but when finances seem to run low, I just keep thinking, God. God loves his people so much, and he knows how long we can withstand and that will make us stronger, just like weightlifting or running a race, running an endurance race. He won't, he won't push us too far. He won't make us go so far that we collapse, unless he's right there to catch us. He it. He's just a good, abundant God that we need to trust, that He loves us that much. The gifts are coming. The gifts are all around us.”
  • From Wendi, “If we ask for those good gifts and those things, He loves us enough, He wants to bless us. He wants to give things to us, and just to trust His timing in those windows of opportunities. . . He knows the desires of our heart, and He will bless us accordingly, in the right timing and in accordance to our eternal best interest, what's best for us..”
  • From Tamara, “If you've asked for something and you feel like you're not getting the answer, perhaps ask Him to open your eyes to see the ways He's answering it, or to help shift your perspective to understand how He's answering that in the best way possible, so that you can see those gifts, because that is something that I was missing.”


Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/


Wendi Christensen, LCSW

Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website: https://wendichristensencounseling.com/


Amy Johnson

Amy is a member of our Women Warriors of Light Advisory Board. She is a leader of women, a homemaker, and a licensed cosmetologist. Amy enjoys nurturing women through betrayal trauma to becoming a beacon of support and inspiration.



Tamara Anderson  0:00 

Have you ever asked God for something and gotten what you asked for, or perhaps not received the gift you were asking for or whatever you were asking for? What is the difference? Why do we sometimes get what we want and other times not get what we asked for today, we're going to cover this interesting concept on Bible, Women & Bathrobes. So stay tuned.


Tamara Anderson  0:30 

Welcome to Bible, Women & Bathrobes, the podcast where faith meets comfort. Join us Tuesday and Thursday morning as the gals from Women Warriors of Light and their guests don bathrobes, and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ, from Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount. We explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood and maybe even a few sleepy eyed moments. Tune in, live or at your leisure, as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.


Tamara Anderson  1:11 

Hello and welcome to another episode of Bible, Women & Bathrobes. I'm your host, Tamara K Anderson, and joining me today is Amy Johnson, member of our advisory board. Welcome Amy.


Amy Johnson  1:23 

Thank you.


Tamara Anderson  1:25 

And also my wonderful co founder, Wendi Christensen, welcome back, Wendi.


Wendi Christensen  1:30 

Thank you. Thank you.


Tamara Anderson  1:33 

Alright guys, we are covering the Sermon on the Mount. We're still on that today, and we are in Matthew chapter seven, and we're going to start with verse six today and go through about 11 or 12. So that's where we are.


Tamara Anderson  1:50 

So we're going to start off with a verse that doesn't seem to fit with the rest of what we're talking about, but it is about giving, and that's really what this whole section is about, is asking and receiving. So this is an interesting verse. Jesus says, "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither Cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you." So he's talking about giving gifts to people who are worthy of those gifts, right? Any thoughts there? Let's start with you. Amy,


Amy Johnson  2:31 

I do. I have a lot of thoughts about this, because I have, I have, I really believe sacred experiences should be kept sacred, and I have been in class settings where sacred experiences have been shared, and it kind of feels almost, it's kind of feels awkward Almost, but then turn around and have that same sacred experience that someone shared, heard it being talked about lightly by someone else later, and I think that's more the cast pearls before swine.


Amy Johnson  3:15 

I have some gifts that I have been given throughout my life from God that are super sacred that have been life altering experiences that have been totally just for me, that someone else wouldn't understand why they were just for me. And so, you know, when you receive something from somebody that just means so much to you, and you're like so careful with it. I remember the kids, when they were little, breaking something that had had a lot of sentimental value to me, and I'm just sobbing over this broken piece, and they couldn't even begin to understand because it was just a piece of the trinket, right? But to to me, it it meant something.


Amy Johnson  4:11 

And I think that's how it is with the the things that we learn from Heavenly Father, the things that he teaches us, the sacred experiences and revelations that he gives to us individually. Those are gifts just for me that let me know and help me remember that he sees me every single day. No nobody's going to understand those quite like I do, because they're for me. They're mine. Nobody would understand the year that I was so happy that my teenagers gave me a playpen, a pack and play except those teenagers, because they knew that that meant that when a woman down the street who had just had a baby and he wasn't sleeping through the night needed somewhere to send that baby for the night, I had a place. Now that meant something to me. Me. They had heard me say, Why should I have a pack and play for these tired moms? And so it's kind of that kind of a thing, right? I think we need to be really aware that God sees us, and that doesn't mean that everybody in the world needs to know that he gave me a pack and play.


Tamara Anderson  5:17 

Yeah, I love that. Any other thoughts Wendi on that verse,


Wendi Christensen  5:26 

Just as Amy was talking, my thoughts went to the Savior, because that's kind of what he was doing. Sometimes he he knew so much and understood so much, and sometimes, as he would teach it or present it, and the people didn't get it or they didn't understand it, or they weren't ready to hear it, I'm sure he felt like sometimes he was casting his pearls before swine and just trusting that those who would get it or need it would be the it would fall in the right places for them, and that they would understand it. And so I think we do have to be careful sometimes about what we share.


Wendi Christensen  6:09 

I know for me, as I worked with other people, I have to be really careful to make sure I keep it on. How do I say this without I'm not trying to come across as better than that, but keep it on their level, because if I present a concept or something that they're not going to understand, or it makes them accountable before they need to be accountable, right? If I teach a concept that they're not ready to hear or they're not ready to learn, then I'm also upping their accountability factor. I need to be able to make sure that I'm keeping I'm giving them what they're ready to hear, what they're ready to understand.


Wendi Christensen  6:49 

And I think that's how the Savior presented things when he was here teaching and helping us to understand things that whatever is going to be on your level, you're going to get it like whatever we read from the scriptures, and our understanding, our level, where we're at, our comprehension, we're going to get, we're going to understand. And if we're not quite ready, then he'll bring us there.


Wendi Christensen  7:10 

But sometimes he taught concepts that, for example, the the Sadducees, the Pharisees, they didn't get, they didn't understand. You know, they're trying to teach, don't do anything on the Sabbath. Don't heal on the Sabbath. You're not supposed to. And he's like, No, you're not getting it. I'm healing on the Sabbath in front of you right now, because you need to see and understand this new concept that I'm teaching you. And they weren't quite ready for it. So anyways, getting ready, hoping to understand when we're ready for something. And like Amy share, I think those spiritual experiences, we need to make sure they're in the right place, in the right time, before we share something with another person about something that's sacred. And sometimes we don't, we just hold it close to them.


Tamara Anderson  7:55 

Yeah. All right, well, let's go to these next couple of verses that I don't even know where to stop, but verse seven, I'll start reading there, "ask and it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock, and it shall be opened unto you, for everyone that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh find it, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened." And then he goes on to say, "For what man is there of you whom, if his son asks bread, will give him a stone, or if he ask a fish, will give him a serpent, if he then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children. How much more shall your father, which is in heaven, give good things to them that ask him?"


Tamara Anderson  8:51 

So, I think this is interesting now that we've covered that preface of not casting your pearls before swine, and you know talking about Jesus sometimes probably feeling like that's what he was doing, especially when addressing a crowd. Some people were ready to receive and some people weren't. That's probably why he taught parables so many times. Um, but here is an interesting thing he tells us and invites us to ask and we will receive. Now I know I've had tons of situations in my life where I've asked and received what I asked for in some way or another, and then other times I've asked and not received what I wanted. And so I thought I'd open this section up for discussion, um, because I think it does all tie in. Uh, Wendi, let's start with you this time.


Wendi Christensen  9:53 

Um, gosh, there's so many directions you could go with this, right?


Tamara Anderson  9:57 

I know, I know.


Wendi Christensen  9:59 

But, but that's that's the point when, if we're looking at this with gifts, right, and if we look at it from that perspective, if I am wanting and seeking understanding for something, if I have a question, sometimes I think we don't feel like we can ask questions about a concept or something that maybe I don't understand, um, especially a spiritual concept, right? If I have a spiritual concept that I don't get or I don't understand, we feel like I shouldn't be asking, I shouldn't be questioning, I should just leave it to those that can truly, you know, have those answers. Maybe that's somebody higher up in a church or church calling or leave it to them to ask the question.


Wendi Christensen  10:47 

But he's saying that we can, I can ask. It's okay to ask questions. It's okay to seek answers to to those things that maybe I don't get or I don't understand in my own life, and to seek that understanding and that I can I'm that I am allowed to get those answers, to receive those answers in my life, and so it's okay if I am seeking some understanding on a concept that I may not Understand. And how do I apply this in my own life right now?


Wendi Christensen  11:24 

So like I said, there's so many different things out there that in the world that are confusing, and sometimes they're confusing to me, and I think I don't understand what what the Lord's trying to say in this and he's saying, come and ask me, and I will give it to you. Or maybe I'm seeking a gift in my life, like I want to be able to bless my kids better. And I don't understand this child, and how do I help her? What is it that I need to do to help her? He's saying you can ask me, just come and ask me, Wendi, and I'll give you direction so that you can help her. And I just need to knock. And he'll give it to me.


Wendi Christensen  12:01 

And then you said, too, sometimes we don't get those answers, and is that because we're not listening? Sometimes, yeah, maybe I'm not listening. Maybe I have my own concepts in the way. Or sometimes it's because he may not give it to me. For years, I have certainly had experiences in my life where I don't get the answer for quite a while, but the one thing I do know is that when the answer does come, it comes in the right time and the right space.


Wendi Christensen  12:30 

For me, for example, I knocked a lot when I wasn't getting I didn't get married until I was quite a bit older, and in my in this, the culture that I grew up in. You know, to get married in your late 20s years ago was kind of a big thing, and I remember asking the Lord over and over, what's wrong with me? What do I need to do? What do I need to shift? How come I'm not getting this blessing in my life, seeking Him? And it wasn't for several years that I finally got the answers. And then I started looking back and realizing there was a timing. It was a timing thing, and once that timing was right for me, then everything started falling into place. And sometimes that's really hard to also show, is the Lord always answers. Always. It just may not always be the way we want, or maybe even in the timing that we want, but it will always come.


Tamara Anderson  13:29 

Yeah, wow. I love that. Thank you. Alright. Amy. Any thoughts on these verses, asking and receiving and gifts and all that stuff?


Amy Johnson  13:41 

Yeah, yeah, I, I was thinking about what Wendi was saying about how, you know, sometimes he gives it right away, and sometimes he doesn't. And I was thinking, and sometimes he gives it, and I don't think I recognize it. I don't even see it. And then I was thinking about my kids. You know, you raise your kids, and they grow up, and they're like, and then this happened this way, and you're like, that is not the memory that your father and I have. That's why do you think that? You know, and they just don't see the whole they don't see what you see was happening, right? And your your view is very different.


Amy Johnson  14:27 

And and so I think our God is a God of abundance. I know our God is a God of abundance. And so for me, I believe that many times he gives me gifts that I don't even see or recognize as a gift, and he's just showering with me with blessings. And I'm saying, Yeah, but it's not green like I wanted. It's yellow, and so I don't see it. It's not it's not what I was thinking I needed, or thinking I was even asking for you. And so that that that was the first thing I thought, and then the second thing I thought is um, that he talks about knocking and it shall be opened unto you. And that just keeps replaying in my head, except I'm seeing it as though I'm literally standing knocking, and as long as I want to come in to the Lord, he will let me in. He never will stop me. He never will put a barrier in my way. And that is the greatest gift for me, is to know that when I remember to knock. He's going to open that door. He's not going to stop me. And I think that's where those holy gifts come in again, is I knock, he lets me in. He says, come sit with me for a while. And then I and then I have this experience that's a spiritually defining moment for me, and that's mine, and I keep it here.


Tamara Anderson  16:06 

That's beautiful. I really, really like that. I think one of the things that I've come to realize through the years is that sometimes the things I'm asking for aren't according to his will, and that sometimes when I'm banging on the doors of heaven, and this is what I'm wanting, kind of like you were saying, I want this red balloon, and that's all I want, you know, And he's showering me down with, you know, wisdom over here. Maybe it's a purple bit of wisdom and and a yellow balloon over here, and it's, it's a gift of patience while I'm going through this experience. And I'm getting that, but I really want the red balloon. I want the healing, you know, And God's like, I'm giving you all these other gifts, Tamara, and you'll come to understand eventually why the red balloon didn't appear the way you wanted it to do. You know what I mean?


Tamara Anderson  17:14 

And and so I think sometimes it does take years for me to realize, Tamara, you grew through that experience. You wanted him to take it away. He wasn't going to take it away. He was giving you the gifts you needed to get through it in the meantime, you know? And so it is. It's almost a shift in perspective. I love how it says here, of, of, he says, If you being, you know, basically, good parents know how to give gifts to your children. You know, surely God, our heavenly Father, knows how to give better gifts to us when we need them.


Tamara Anderson  17:57 

And so I've, had a experience recently where, where this has kind of been I gotten a shift in perspective on something like this. My daughter went out to serve a mission for our church last fall, and and she got she was doing really great. She was at the best that she's been health wise. She has had some health challenges in the past, but she got sick, pretty sick on on this mission out serving, and had to come home fairly quickly. And, you know, we began a series of tests. We finally found out what was wrong. She had to go through some treatments to take care of it, and and then she's had several health challenges since then, just trying to get her body back to, like, where it was.


Tamara Anderson  18:48 

And I remember, you know, at some point, having a conversation with God, saying, God, you know, she's out here serving you. And she keeps having these little things pop up, like, like, this last week she had to get a root canal, because, anyway, she'd been having some challenges with that and, and it was like God just took my perspective and and and shifted it, because I was kind of asking, Well, why, when she's serving you, you know, is She still having all these challenges and, and God kind of shifted my perspective, and he and he taught me that it was more that she was home and she's serving here, but here she can, God has blessed her with a whole bunch of medical doctors that can help her with these challenges to get her back to where she needs to be and that she has this time at home, whereas if she wasn't serving, she would be up at school, and perhaps the doctors there wouldn't be as good, or we wouldn't have found the people we found here.


Tamara Anderson  19:57 

And so he kind of shifted my perspective. To see that this is a blessing for her right now, and she's getting all the help that she needs. Just quit looking at it as why is this happening to her? You know, when she's trying to so hard to serve me, I am blessing her abundantly right now that she's getting answers, she's getting treatments. She's getting all help that she needs.


Tamara Anderson  20:22 

And so sometimes the gifts He's giving us we're missing because we want a specific thing, but really, if we pause long enough, he can shift our perspective to see the blessings in it, the abundant blessings in it. And I was telling her this the other week when she got her root canal, she goes, Mom, it took you that long to learn this. I learned this months ago. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, it's just me. It's just me. It takes me a long time to figure these things out. I don't know, but so I guess, I guess my invitation here would be, if you've asked for something and you feel like you're not getting the answer, perhaps ask him to open your eyes to see the ways he's answering it, or to help shift your perspective to understand how he's answering that in the best way possible, so that you can see those gifts, because that is something that I was missing. You know what I mean?


Tamara Anderson  21:30 

And I've been like that at several points in my life, especially, you know, when I was asking God to heal my sons from autism. You know, he was blessing me abundantly in so many other ways, but it just wasn't the way I had hoped and and so anyway, I just thought I'd throw that out there. Wendi, you look like you want to say something.


Wendi Christensen  21:53 

Just as I was reviewing the verse, verses seven and eight, he says, "Ask and it shall be given." So it's like a pretty much, pretty straightforward Ask and it shall be given, seek, and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you, right? Like the first two are like pretty concrete to me. Ask, it's going to give to you. Seek, I'm going to give it. You'll find it, knock and it shall be open. Same thing for everyone that asks us, receive it, get it, seek it, finds and him that knocks, it shall be open. I don't know to me, it was like it is. I think sometimes a condition of, do we get it, or do we not get it? Is it is it going to be open? Is it not going to be open? I'm not quite sure.


Wendi Christensen  22:44 

And I don't think that's the Lord at all playing games with us. I think it's because, you know, sometimes, some we do get answers sometimes and sometimes, like I said, they'll come later. Or sometimes that blessing comes later, or sometimes that understanding, like in your story, might come later. And I think that sometimes when my kids want something from me, and they ask me, Hey, Mom, can I have this? Because I have a son that's pretty incessant about asking. He's constantly like, when he wants something, he'll ask you 10 times a day, hey, remember, I want that debit card. When are you going to get me debit card? I want a debit card. That was his thing last year. It was like, What are you he's he's 12, right? So he's like, when do I get my debit card? I'm ready. Let's get it right now. And he would ask, either me or his dad, like, seriously, 10 times a day.


Wendi Christensen  23:30 

And he asked and asked and asked, and we would always say, when you're ready, you're not quite ready yet. When you're ready, you're not there yet. You're not quite ready yet, right? We were the ones that had to kind of hold back on that.


Wendi Christensen  23:41 

And eventually he did get it, but we had to prepare him more. We had to make sure he was ready to be able to receive it, and to know how to handle it when he got it right, and to to manage it. And we don't know when the Lord is going to give us the blessing, or when he's going to answer, or how it's going to come, or when what form it will come, and sometimes it's that it doesn't come, and that's because he knows what's in our eternal best interest and when it's right for us and when it's the best time for us. And and how to answer that, I guess, how to open it to us? He knows, he knows when that best time is or how it is.


Speaker 1  24:22 

Amy. Any other thoughts there?


Amy Johnson  24:26 

I think we're always in a space of life where we are asking unless we're too prideful to do it, but I think there's always something that we're longing for. I had a conversation yesterday with my husband and I, I'm a pretty deep thinker. I don't know if you guys have figured that out, and and I love scripture. I love scripture. And so I will read scripture, and then I will just. I can, I could spend an hour talking about one verse, because I'm just and thinking about it and pondering it and chewing on it. And sometimes I'll be sitting here, this is where I study, and I'll be sitting here, and I will read a verse, and then I'll just sit here and think and talk to God and think and talk to God about one verse, and my husband will come, and he's like, are you okay? I'm good. Go away because, because I can spend a long time.


Amy Johnson  25:29 

And yesterday, I was sharing that with him, and I was telling him how bad I was missing this particular friend of mine because she she used to come over when he would travel, um, and about once, or once a month, or every two months, and she would sit and talk with me, and I could just talk, talk, talk, and go all the things I've read and thought about scripture, and go really deep. And sometimes I could finally see it in her eyes, like she was getting kind of overwhelmed, because I get really deep and really thought provoking. That's, that's probably a better way to say it. I'm really I go like, everything is applicable to how I need to fix me, right? Really, anyway. And so that I would shift the conversation, I'd be like, so how are you because? But I miss her, and I was telling my husband that because I don't really have anybody that's that engaged of a listener that I can talk to about scripture, like her.


Amy Johnson  26:28 

And so yesterday, when he came home, when we got home from church, he sat down, he said, Okay, where are we reading? And I said, I'm sorry, what? He said, Come on, let's unpack a scripture, cuz that's what I call it. Let's unpack it scripture. And we got through the first one, he goes, Oh my gosh, it's been 20 minutes, and we're still on this first one. I'm like, I'm sorry. He's like, no, no, this is totally good. I'm here for you girl, right? And it was so good for me.


Amy Johnson  26:55 

And I think that that's I've been sitting here thinking, and really, truly, that's what our Heavenly Father does. He knows, even as we just say things in passing or think things in passing, he sees the longings of our heart, and he sees what we really want. And I'm the girl who always says when I get up to heaven, Jesus Christ is going to stand next to me in front of the Father, and the father's going to say, Amy, what do you want? And I'll tell him, and then Jesus Christ will say, I know she's not perfect, and I know she didn't do it all right, but I fixed enough. She's my friend. She wants this.


Amy Johnson  27:33 

And so I think that's what we really need to really And funny enough, it goes back to the thing we talked about last week with the moat and the beam in the eye. When we really clear our vision, we can see what we really want, and then that's when we can say to the Lord what we really want, and then he can say, okay, I can see that's what you really want. And that's when he opens the door and lets us come into His rest.


Tamara Anderson  28:04 

I love that so much. All right, ladies, let's wrap it up today about asking and learning to ask, perhaps for the right things. Takeaways here, Wendi, let's start with you


Wendi Christensen  28:20 

Just loving, how Heavenly Father, if we have, if we ask for those good gifts and those things, He loves us enough, He wants to bless us. He wants to give things to us, and just to trust His timing in those windows of opportunities. And that as we ask, as Amy was just saying, He knows the desires of our heart, and He will bless us accordingly, in the right timing and in accordance to our eternal best interest, what's best for us. And that's something that it's up to us to just trust, to just trust that timing, to trust that those answers are there and that they will come, and as we continue drawing closer to Him, we will see them, and we will find them, and that He will guide us there.


Tamara Anderson  29:07 

Love that! Amy?


Amy Johnson  29:10 

I think my takeaway for today is that an abundant God, a perfect God, a good God, a loving God, sees how strong I am, and he will not withhold anything that I absolutely need now or or even want he but he will, financially seems to be blaring in my head right now, and maybe this is a problem for a lot of people, but when finances seem to run low, I just keep thinking, God. God loves his people so much, and he knows how long we can withstand and that will make us stronger, just like weightlifting or running a race, running an endurance race. He won't, he won't push us too far. He won't make us go so far that we collapse, unless he's right there to catch us. He it. He's just a good, abundant God that we need to trust, that He loves us that much. The gifts are coming. The gifts are all around us. Just look for him. Find him. See him. You.


Tamara Anderson  30:24 

For me, my takeaway really is that I need to learn to ask better questions and ask for things more specifically, perhaps especially on those times when I feel like I'm not getting answers that I need to perhaps ask better questions because I'm not seeing it from his perspective, or something like that. It's it's usually user error. Hello, me, if I'm asking a question and not getting an answer. It's usually error because I'm asking the wrong question. I need to ask it a different way, or seek or try to understand more from his perspective.


Tamara Anderson  31:13 

Perhaps I need to be asking God to bless me with gifts so that I can endure a situation better, instead of asking him to remove it, which is often been my knee jerk reaction, Dear God, please remove this from my problems right now. And instead Say, Dear God, give me. Please bless me with the gifts I need to navigate this situation. And so for me, I think throughout my life, that has been a struggle that I've had, and it's one I'm getting better at, but probably not as quickly as I'm sure God is down there, step up there, looking at me, going try again, ask it a different way, Tamara.


Tamara Anderson  31:56 

So for me, it's learning to ask the right questions in the situations that present themselves, because I know He's busting me and those around me, just I need to recognize it and and not be so focused on like that red balloon that I was saying that that's exactly what I want, You know, and God's saying, Oh, well, sort of I have a bouquet of balloons here, but none of them are red, and these are exactly what you need. It may not be what you want, you know, so learning to recognize and ask the right questions.


Tamara Anderson  32:34 

So alright, guys, thanks for joining us, and hopefully you found an answer here and something that we said today, and if so, I invite you to act on that answer as you talk to God and He will inspire you and guide you to know what your next right step is. So thanks for joining us today.


Tamara Anderson  33:00 

Thanks for tuning in to Bible Women and Bathrobes, hosted by Women Warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women or the teachings of the Savior. Today with you. If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word, and don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder, all opinions we share are entirely personal, as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful and may your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.


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