Guarding Our Children's Hearts Online

children and social media parenting pornography Feb 27, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Today, I want to share a story about an encounter my daughter had, a story that has led me to contemplate the battles our children face in this digital age.

My 10-year-old daughter, Noelle, recently went to "play" with friends. However, the playdate took an unexpected turn. Her two friends spent the entire time glued to their phones, scrolling through Instagram. Noelle repeatedly invited them to do something fun, but the allure of their screens was too strong.

As Noelle peered over one of her friend's shoulders, she was taken aback by a scantily clad image that popped up on her friend's Instagram feed. The girl, upon seeing the inappropriate content, quickly unfollowed the account. Noelle's other friend had to do the same due to another user's profanity-laden posts.

I couldn't help but admire these girls for making the right choice, but it left my daughter feeling uneasy about what she had witnessed. As parents, we often find ourselves in a constant battle to shield our children from the onslaught of negative influences so readily available on the internet.

Just this week, my husband and I had a serious conversation with our kids about what to do if they ever encountered explicit content or pornography online – the plan was simple: shut down and tell a parent.

It's as if there's a battle raging daily, with Satan using digital avenues to assault our children's hearts and minds. We need to equip our children with the "Armor of God" to shield them from offensive images and unwanted content available with just a click.

So, dear friends, I ask you: how do you prepare your children to face their daily battles, especially in a world where the enemy is constantly seeking to lure them away from the light? Let's share wisdom, prayer, and guidance to protect our precious ones from the snares of this digital age.

In His Love,

Tamara K. Anderson