Holding Onto Hope in Times of War

crisis faith in christ faith over fear hope for future latter-days war Mar 16, 2022

My Dearest Warriors of Light,

I pen this letter with a heavy heart, knowing that the tumultuous events in Ukraine have left many of us with a deep sense of concern and apprehension. As we witness the unfolding of world events and grapple with the prophetic signs that foreshadow the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, it is only natural to be filled with questions and a sense of foreboding. The question that lingers is, "Is this the beginning of the end?"

If you're anything like me, you've been bombarded by a myriad of thoughts and emotions. Some days, the weight of fear seems almost suffocating, making it challenging to cling to hope amidst such trying times.

So, how do we, as Christian Women Warriors of Light, hold fast to hope during these tumultuous moments?

This question is both timely and crucial. I would like to offer you a selection of invaluable resources to bolster your faith and hope as we navigate the stormy seas of crisis, war, and uncertainty.

Resources for Holding onto Hope During Times of War

  • With the eruption of war in Ukraine, my heart turned to the scriptures, where I discovered three keys to remember in times of war. These keys brought me comfort and guidance, and I share them with you in this podcast episode. Please, take a moment to listen and reflect, 3 Keys to Remember in Times of War.
  • I had the privilege of inviting Liz onto the show. She has family in Ukraine and, in the midst of these harrowing weeks, she shared her raw emotions and the profound peace she has found through the presence of God's Spirit. Liz's story is a testament to the comforting embrace of faith in times of uncertainty. You can listen to her episode here, Liz Kazandzhy: Finding Peace When Worried About Ukranian Family.
  • Bible Verse: Let us turn our hearts to the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:6 (KJV), "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." His words reassure us not to worry or be troubled. God holds the intricate plan, and we must trust Him with unwavering faith.

My beloved sisters, even in these times of fear and uncertainty, remember these words: "Be not troubled." God has not forgotten you. You are His cherished child, and His steadfast love and grace will carry you through these turbulent times.

May you find solace and hope in His divine presence, knowing that His sovereign hand orchestrates all things, and His promise is true.

With love and unwavering faith,
