Hopeful Hearts: A Mother's Dream of Autism-Free Eternity

autism easter jesus christ resurrection Apr 12, 2017

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Have you ever had a recurring dream you wish came true?

In the quiet of my nights many years ago, I had a recurring dream. A dream so tender, it brought me both joy and sorrow. In it, my son Nathan, (who is blessed and challenged with autism), spoke, laughed, and connected with me as any other child would. In this dream, autism was but a fleeting shadow, a memory. I cherished that vision.

Yet, as morning broke, my heart would shatter, the dream fading into a painful reality. I cried, I grieved, and I mourned. Each time, the cycle repeated, and my heart ached anew. The pain became too much to bear.

I prayed to God, begging Him to take away those dreams. Not out of weakness, but because the agony of waking up to the reality of autism was too much for my mother's heart. The dreams ceased, and I stopped hoping for what seemed unattainable.

I am not weak. I have faced my share of struggles. Someday, when heaven draws nearer, I will dream again. In the resurrection's embrace, my precious Nathan will receive a perfected body, a gift from the Savior. On that day, the dream I held dear will turn real.

In that eternal moment, Nathan and I will talk, laugh, and connect without the constraints of autism. I'll no longer have to wake up to see it all vanish.

This is what Easter means to me. Hope and faith that someday this dream will come true because of Jesus.

Bible References:

  1. "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." - Revelation 21:4 (KJV)
  2. "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." - 1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV)

With true hope in an eternal and perfect resurrection,

Tamara K. Anderson

If this touches your heart, please share. Happy Easter!