How Do You React When Life Changes?

change hope life challenges resilience Apr 28, 2021

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

Grace and peace to you, my fellow warriors of light! I hope this letter finds you well and filled with the enduring hope that our Savior provides. In the midst of life's twists and turns, I want to share stories of remarkable women who learned to pivot and embrace change with unwavering faith, much like the faithful women we read about in the Word.

As I ponder upon our journey as Christian Women Warriors of Light, I'm reminded of the verses from Proverbs 16:9 (KJV), which states, "A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps." Our plans may not always unfold as we envision, but it is God who guides our path.

One remarkable story comes from Lisa Goich, a woman whose life took an unexpected turn when she learned her mother had only 14 days to live. In her darkest hour, Lisa's unwavering faith and reliance on God allowed her to change her entire plan to be with her mother during her final days. She shares her journey of processing grief with humor and grace, echoing the words of Proverbs 17:22 (KJV), "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." Lisa's story serves as a testament to the resilience that faith can bring in the face of life's unexpected trials.

Chani Barlow's story is another testament to the power of faith in the midst of adversity. Her dreams of becoming an Olympic athlete were shattered when she was struck by a car. In another twist of fate, she and her husband were met with the heartbreaking news that they couldn't have children. Chani's journey teaches us the invaluable lessons of patience, endurance, and faith, reminiscent of Romans 12:12 (KJV), "Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer." She reminds us that even in the most challenging times, God is piecing together the broken dreams of our hearts.

Chani also ponders whether optimism can survive in a world filled with uncertainties, as we experienced in the trying year of 2020. Her story reflects the importance of keeping our hope alive, aligning with Romans 15:13 (KJV), "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost." In times when the world seems to lack optimism, we must hold steadfast to the hope we find in Christ.

If you ever find yourself worn out, exhausted, or feeling utterly alone in your struggles, I'd like to recommend my booklet, "The Mother's Mite." It serves as a reminder of how Jesus can sustain us when we feel we can't go on. This booklet also makes a heartfelt gift for friends, sisters, and mothers on Mother's Day, spreading the love and hope we have in Christ.

Dear sisters, in moments when life veers off the course we've planned, remember that you are not alone. With God's grace and guidance, we can take life one step at a time. As the psalmist proclaims in Psalm 46:5 (KJV), "God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved." Keep breathing, keep moving, and keep believing. I believe in you, and I know that with the Lord's help, you can overcome any challenge that comes your way.

May the light of Christ continue to shine brightly through you, dear sisters. Keep the hope burning within your hearts, and let us press on together in faith.

In His love and grace,
