How One Kind Act Fed My Hope

inspiration kindness near-death experience Jul 12, 2023

Today I share a story from Guest Blogger, Rob A. Gentile. Rob survived a massive heart attack and a heart transplant. But the experience killed him—twice! He was able to tell his incredible story along with lessons he learned in the Ethereal on my podcast here.

His #1 Bestseller Book, Quarks of Light, about his journey into the beyond launched this week on Amazon.

Here is Rob’s sweet story (used with permission).

After months in the hospital hoping a donor heart would arrive, I was looking pretty rough. One act of Kindness was all it took to make me feel human again. I share an excerpt from my book: Quarks of Light, A Near-Death Experience.

When I looked the most haggard and disheveled, Johnny helped restore my dignity by giving me a haircut, with a tiny pair of stainless-steel surgical scissors. I tucked those scissors away in my toiletry bag for keepsake. They are a symbol of thoughtful love extended by so many.

Love connects us to the higher realm, when we serve others. We can feel and sense our spirit lifting out of our clay vessel, defying gravity—reaching for the heavens. The hand of God is waiting, ready to reach down and meet us halfway, but only when we choose to act.