How Can I Overcome Fear Through Faith?

bible women & bathrobes bible women story faith over fear fear hard times old testament women overcoming fear podcast true faith women of faith Aug 01, 2024

Bible, Women & Bathrobes, Episode 34

Women of the Bible: Hebrew Midwives



Tamara, Amy, and Wendi discussed the story of the Hebrew midwives in Exodus 1, who defied Pharaoh's orders to kill newborn Hebrew boys despite the danger. They highlighted the midwives' courage and faith in God, emphasizing how their decision to stand up for their beliefs resulted in a happy ending. The speakers also shared their personal experiences and insights on how to overcome fear and trust in God during challenging times, emphasizing the importance of understanding who God is and who they are in relation to Him, and the need to fear God more than the opinions of others.


Main Takeaways

  • From Amy, “I just keep thinking that these midwives must have known who they really were, in order to have the courage to stand up to the government of the land and to choose God over that. They must have really understood that they were divine, that they were children of God. And they must have really, truly understood that. In the end, his approval was all that matters. Because otherwise you don't really do that kind of thing.”
  • From Wendi, “If I have a relationship with God, and I understand who he is, and more importantly, understand who I am in respect to him, and have faith in Him, then I will choose to do what is right. Because I love him. Not because it's going to help me look better or not look a certain way. Or it's going to increase the way that I look to other people. Or what other people are gonna think of me. That doesn't matter. What matters is what God thinks of me. And what I think of myself.”
  • From Tamara, “God can inspire us how to walk through our fear as we choose faith. I think he inspired them to know what to do. First of all, in this situation, he inspired them to know what to say, when that crucial time came when they were facing the king again. And he can inspire each of us to know what to do, and what to say to in these moments of fear versus faith. I'm thankful to note that, that we can trust that he's not going to leave us alone that he will be with us and inspire us and strengthen us to act with faith when we're in that hard spot.”


Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website:


Wendi Christensen, LCSW

Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website:


Amy Johnson

Amy is a member of our Women Warriors of Light Advisory Board. She is a leader of women, a homemaker, and a licensed cosmetologist. Amy enjoys nurturing women through betrayal trauma to becoming a beacon of support and inspiration.




If you’d like to read the transcript of today’s episode, you can find it on our Women Warriors of Light website blog. Link in the bio.


Tamara Anderson  0:00 

Have you ever had a situation in your life where you felt pinned between acting in fear or acting in faith? Today we're going to dive into a story in the Old Testament of some people we don't talk about very often, but they had a huge impact on the lives of many, so stay tuned.


Tamara Anderson  0:26 

Welcome to Bible Women & Bathrobes the podcast where faith meets comfort. Join us Tuesday and Thursday mornings as the gals from Women Warriors of Light and their guests, don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount. We explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood, and maybe even a few sleepy eyes moments. tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.


Tamara Anderson  1:07 

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Bible Women & Bathrobes. I'm your host, Tamara K. Anderson. And joining me today is Amy Johnson. Amy, thanks for being here. Again.


Amy Johnson  1:18 

Thanks for having me.


Tamara Anderson  1:20 

And Wendi Christensen, my amazing co founder of Women, Warriors of Light. Thanks for being Wendi.


Wendi Christensen  1:25 

Glad to be here. It's great work.


Tamara Anderson  1:28 

Today we are going clear back to the Old Testament and to Exodus chapter one. And there is a story there that we don't talk about very often, but it is of two amazing women. And we actually have their names, even though we don't talk about them very often. And they are Shiphrah and Puah. And these were the Hebrew midwives and they were put in this place-- I almost want to incorporate the words of, of Esther, you know, from Esther, "for such a time as this." They really were in the right place at the right time. And we're going to dive into their story of that decision to act in faith or in fear.


Tamara Anderson  2:10 

Okay, so let me set the stage here. This is the time right before Moses is born. And the king of Egypt, Pharaoh, had he did not know Joseph. The Israelites were enslaved for or were living in Egypt for about 400 years. And a little more 430. But at this point, it had been, I don't know 375 I don't know something like that years. And so there had been centuries passed by since the story of Joseph. And the Israelites in the meantime had multiplied, and they had become a mighty nation. And, and they had been living in Egypt this whole time.


Tamara Anderson  3:00 

And the king, the pharaoh over the people started to get scared. He's like, these people are becoming so numerous, they're going to outnumber us they're going to take over. And he became he started to act in fear. And so he is the one that decided that they were going to enslave them. And and so he put taskmasters over them, he put burdens on their back. And then he did the next thing. And this is where we kind of come into the story. And, and he made their lives super bitter and hard. They were basically in bondage to the Egyptians at this point. So not all of their years in Egypt were as slaves because of Joseph and and and how he was endeared to the Pharaoh.


Tamara Anderson  3:56 

But this is where we pick up the story that Hebrews are now slaves. And we start off and we're going to be in Exodus chapter one, and we're going to read verses 15 through 22, if you'd like to all along, and this is what it says, "And the king of Egypt speak to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of one was Shiphrah. And the name of the other was Puah. And he said, when you do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women and see them upon the stools, if it be a son, then shall then you shall kill him. But if it be a daughter, then she shall live." And so I just want to pause right here. And here these women are there. They're trained in the art of helping people give birth, and the part of me wonders, there was only two of them. So I'm like, were they like over the midwives of the Hebrews? We don't know the answer to that. But there's a question of that in my mind.


Tamara Anderson  4:54 

And so, here they are given this edict by a king who Who has enslaved their people literally. And I can only imagine the thoughts running through their heads. And so I'm just going to open it up for discussion here. Amy, we'll start with you. And and kind of discuss this conundrum that they're in.


Amy Johnson  5:15 

I really appreciate this story because I really like actually, if we go back up to verse 12, really quick,


Tamara Anderson  5:23 

yeah, go ahead.


Amy Johnson  5:24 

This talks, this talks about the Hebrews in general. But I really believe these Hebrew midwives probably fell kind of into this category says, "but the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew." And I find that really interesting, because we've seen in history, other peoples that are afflicted that do not multiply and grow. They get destroyed, or, or, you know, really severely diminished in numbers.


Amy Johnson  5:58 

So I find it interesting that the Hebrews, the more they afflicted them, the more that Egyptians afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And I believe that was because they were a God fearing people. I believe it was really because God had made covenants with them, and promises with them. And that he upheld them. Because he does, he upholds his covenant people, and he always has, and he always will. And we've talked about that before where he keeps his covenant no matter what. And so, I think that that's kind of an interesting backdrop to this whole story is that their, their, their willingness to be God fearing people, makes them stronger, whatever that looks like, right?


Amy Johnson  6:45 

So then they get this, they get this awful command that they and I find it interesting, too, that that they're serving as midwives to these Hebrew, Hebrew women and their their women too. Right? And and who knows whether they have their own children. But can you even picture in your mind? I was picturing you're in trauma, giving labor and not an epidural girls.


Tamara Anderson  7:15 



Amy Johnson  7:16 

Right. And, and no inducing early. Like, you don't know. They're having babies, whenever the babies are coming right? 13 pounds or six pounds, it doesn't matter. And so they're sitting there, and they're thinking as a mother, how would that be to lose your child, and also sons, we've talked about that, too, we're so important to carry on the name. And, and we talked about with Hannah, a woman who doesn't have a son is shunned. And she's looked down upon and she's mocked, and she's bullied, essentially, for a modern day work. So I don't know, I have to look at these midwives. And I have to say, they really, truly had to have been feeling like they were caught between a rock and a hard place. Because the king was really powerful. Really powerful.


Tamara Anderson  8:12 

Yeah. Wendi, any thoughts here?


Wendi Christensen  8:17 

I think and I think this is kind of an age old dilemma that they like that we've seen throughout history where they're forced to choose between a government that's doing immoral things and doing things that are wrong, and what it what God really basically is going to be asking them to do. And how many times throughout history have we seen that where there are people throughout the scriptures who are faced between their government that's not doing things right. And what they feel is right in their heart, and when we see that scattered all throughout the scriptures, right?


Wendi Christensen  8:52 

I mean, we were even, even in Christ time, we would see that were the laws of his kingdom and the laws of the government of his day didn't match what he was teaching, either. So I think they really are caught in this huge dilemma. And like Amy was saying, they I don't want to be a midwife to be in that space. It really is, I think a really sacred holy space to welcome a new spirit into this world and a new a new creature new baby into this world. They they must have a lot they must have had a lot of experience and to know that the king was asking them to destroy these little brand new little babies that they were working hard and seeing so much put into you know, effort by these great Hebrew women that they were supposed to be destroyed. I mean, that had to be heart wrenching for them. What What a hard thing to face what a huge dilemma for them to face.


Tamara Anderson  9:50 

Yeah. This This begs the question and I'm gonna start with it. is, have you ever been in a situation where you've had to decide between fear and faith? And knowing how hard that is? I'll share a quick experience. I remember feeling impressed Right as I was writing my first book, that I needed to start a podcast. And guys starting a podcast, scared me to death. And so I did what I do best is I learned all about it-- spent so much time studying and learning about podcasts. I even recorded the first few.


Tamara Anderson  10:37 

But I found as it got closer to launch, that I was hitting up against this wall of fear. And it took me a while to realize that's why I was stalling. You know, I was saying, Oh, it's because I'm busy with my kids this summer, I'll do it in the fall. And I just kept postponing and postponing it. And finally, I remember sitting down one day and praying and pondering and kind of journaling and saying, what is wrong? I feel like I am paralyzed, and I can't move forward.


Tamara Anderson  11:03 

And I even drew a picture in my journal. I don't have it here to show you. But it's a tiny stick figure of little Tamara. And then these huge words fear, like in block letters along this path that I'm supposed to be walking, walking along. And I just couldn't seem to get around that fear of putting myself out there. And as I prayed and pondered and kind of journal about it, I realized it stemmed back to sixth grade when I was bullied by my peers for being different. And, and so I kind of shrunk into the background. And I'd formed a truth in my mind at that time, that what I had to say didn't matter.


Tamara Anderson  11:47 

And, and so here I was, you know, 40 something years old, how many years later, you know, and I didn't realize that this this fear. This, this idea I had formed in my mind was holding me back, you know, probably 35-38 years later. I mean, that's crazy, right? You know, I mean, it's, it's insane. That, that that can hold us back, that these truths we have in our mind, or ideas we form can hold us back. And you know, and so it was that battle between, you know, sixth grade Tamara and feeling prompted by God, I'm supposed to do this, but I'm scared to death to do it. I'm scared to death to push the Launch button on this podcast. And it really was a battle.


Tamara Anderson  12:39 

And I finally learned that along path, if you got beyond the fear, it kind of wound up a mountain, the path that and there was like the sun at the top of the mountain. And I found that that really was my key is I needed to focus on faith as I moved through the fear. Because it was something new and scary for me. And so I'd kind of like to open that up. What does be a decision of fear versus faith look like? To us today? You guys have any thoughts? Wendi do you want to start?


Wendi Christensen  13:15 

Okay, that's like looking Amy. Do you want to go first. No. I think that when you look at today, we we live in a time. I think we live in a time that scary and overwhelming sometimes, just just today. And we face uncertainties. You don't know. We don't always know what what's going to be happening in our world and our government, you know, I have I still have kids in school. And it's sometimes scary, I have to have faith, sometimes sending them to school, and trusting that they're going to make the right decisions and choices and the friends that they're going to make you know.


Wendi Christensen  13:54 

It's it's trusting that God will take care of them. And sometimes that that trust leads me to pray for angels to attend them, and angels to attend me and I'll be honest, you know, as a counselor, there are moments when I get up and I look at my day and I feel full of anxiety because I have all these people looking to me for answers. And I'm like, am I going to have the answers today? Am I going to know what to say? Am I going to know what to present and how to help them? That sometimes is really scary. And sometimes it brings fear.


Wendi Christensen  14:27 

And it's in those moments that I have learned to take a deep breath, to really center and ground myself and to put all of my trust in my Heavenly Father and in my Savior, Jesus Christ and to go, I don't know them, but He knows them. And when I put my faith there, all of a sudden, it's like, I become and I tell myself like I use the words I am capable. I am capable and I am enough. Because I don't have all the answers, and I don't have all of the unknowns of what's going to happen, I don't know what they are. But he does. He knows them. He knows me. And he knows my heart's desire, and he knows what's best. And as I put my faith and my trust in Him, then the answers will come.


Wendi Christensen  15:21 

And maybe they don't come for years. We talked a little bit about I've talked about that before. And I love that story of the the woman who waited 12 years with the issue of life dated, her answers didn't come immediately, but they did come and having faith that they will come, whether it's right now today, they'll come or I know that it will come in the future, it will come. It will definitely come.


Tamara Anderson  15:44 

Awesome. Love that insight. Amy.


Amy Johnson  15:47 

I think it's interesting that Wendi said, she says I am capable. Because I had a friend tell me once, pretty much everybody believes either they're capable, but not lovable. Or they're lovable and not capable. And so capable is not really my problem. Right? I believe I'm capable. But I'm not really believable. I don't really believe I'm lovable. And so my fear factors come with my husband. And, and because of our past, when he was gambling and lying and doing things like that, it became really difficult for me to stand firm. And what I knew was true with him. He wanted me to agree to the gambling, he wanted me to go with him to do the gambling, he wanted me to be a part of that stuff. And that was hard for me. Because if I say no, then I'm not, he won't love me.


Amy Johnson  16:48 

And so it's interesting how we all have our different things that cause us major fear. I, we laugh all the time. Me and my friends that I am crazy. Like I they see me as this insane person, because I'll just do whatever I feel like God's telling me to do I'll just do it. Sure you want me to go live in Italy for three months by myself? Sure, I can do that. You want me to sell my house and moved to downtown Salt? Sure, I'll do that. But if you want me stand up to my against what my husband even if it's I know it's not right. Now we have a problem. Because what if he doesn't love me? What if he rejects me? What if he abandons me? Or even on the best day, what if we fight?


Amy Johnson  17:32 

And so I think it's interesting how the fear plays in to different people in different ways. And these midwives I like Can Can I read the next verse?


Tamara Anderson  17:45 

Yeah, go ahead.


Amy Johnson  17:46 

I love how she says how it says, "but the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive." Because, for me, I had to learn that it and it's not about it's not about being afraid that I won't be loved by my husband, or rejected by my husband, or abandoned by my husband. It had to come to a point where I understood that no matter what happened, I would never be rejected by the Lord. And I would never be abandoned by the Lord. And I would always be loved by Him, and He would never destroy me.


Amy Johnson  18:31 

And that that is the thing. I think that keeps us going forward in the right direction, standing fast. I have this. It's funny, I'm staring at this affirmation. I write affirmations depending on different things. And I was reading about the story of David and Goliath, and I wrote this affirmation. "I am small, I am a small but fearless warrior for God, I hold Him up as my beacon. I run in his strength toward the trials ahead. I am able to be victorious because of him. He is my God." And I say these affirmations and then I flipped them to the next one. And I say, you know, I try and say one a day aloud out loud, because I think it's really important that we understand who we are, right. But I think their fear was they feared that they would be cast off by God more than they would be killed by the king.


Tamara Anderson  19:26 

Yeah, and that's really the rock and hard place they were in. Will, I be true to God and do what he wants me to do, even if it means facing death?


Amy Johnson  19:38 



Tamara Anderson  19:38 

which, gosh, with the way he was afflicting the the Hebrew Israelite people at this point? That was entirely possible and probable, right. So we're kind of at this point in the story where we're at that tipping point where though what is going to happen, right? And here's what happens so they get called, verse 18. It says, "And the king of Egypt called for the midwives and said unto them, Why have you done this thing and have saved the men children alive." So he's calling them on the carpet calling him back to him, these numbers are not decreasing. There still all these baby boys being born. "And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women, for they are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them."


Tamara Anderson  20:34 

So I'm sure they told like a half truth here, I'm sure that God was strengthening these Hebrew women, because they were slaves. Anytime you're a slave, you have to become strong to bear the burdens that are placed on your shoulders. And so perhaps one of the blessings of that was they were given strength to practically deliver their babies on their own before these midwife showed up. Versus the the Egyptian women because they were perhaps not as strong physically had a harder time and had to have the help of.


Tamara Anderson  21:11 

Now, and I recognize, as I say this, that having given birth, oh my gosh, can I just say, Ah, I can't even imagine delivering on a stool sitting, you know, squatting. This is how they did it. But you know, this is amazing to me that God's strengthened these women, and then he strengthened these Egyptian or these Hebrew midwives to be able to answer him, I'm sure that the whole way to see the king, they knew what he was going to ask. And they thought, My life hangs in the balance right here today.


Tamara Anderson  21:48 

And I can imagine, like Esther them going to see the King and just prayer in their hearts. You know, perhaps family and friends praying for them. As they have this decision, you know, whatever happens, happens. And here is the beauty: is the king took that excuse, and he did not kill them. And here's a really cool part. It says, "Therefore, God dealt well with the midwives, and the people multiplied and waxed very mighty. And it came to pass because the midwives feared God that He made them houses." Or basically he blessed their household. He increased their own households because of their faithfulness.


Tamara Anderson  22:37 

And I don't think that's what they were expecting. But perhaps God blessed them with more children or grandchildren because they were faithful to him. Oh, my word. This is like I get tingles thinking about it. I'm like, our God is a good God. Do you know what I mean?


Tamara Anderson  22:53 

It, it is amazing to me to see first of all the faith of Shiphrah and Puah, to face the king, and to tell him why they're not killing the babies. But then God blessed them. And this doesn't always happen. Sometimes you're true to God. And the worst happens. You know, we read stories in the Bible of people who were true to God, and they were killed. You know, so, but they had that faith. They have that faith, that same faith investor, that same faith and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Before they were thrown into the fiery furnace, I am going to be true to God, no matter what. If he saves me, he saves me. Ah, any thoughts on these verses? Wendi, let's start with you.


Wendi Christensen  23:42 

Um, yeah, I was just reading. You know, just in preparing for this podcast, there was a book I was reading. And they, they they made an interesting point when it says, And it came to pass because, the midwives spirit God that He made them houses. And then they had a commentary and they said, "a large and righteous posterity or a house, was considered one of the greatest blessings God could bestow at that time." One of the greatest blessings for them being able to stand up to, to the Pharaoh, right, this ruler that could do he really could have put them to death and the faith that they must have had to realize that by us doing this by us, refusing to do what the Pharaoh has asked us to do, we are going to be put to death or can be put to death.


Wendi Christensen  24:33 

But they it's almost like they didn't even, they saw the challenge. And they lived up to the challenge by saying we're going to have faith. We're going to put our faith in God. We're not going to put our faith in men. We're going to put our faith in God when they're faced with that scary thing. And to see that beautiful blessing that they got the greatest blessing that God could bestow upon them at that time.


Wendi Christensen  24:55 

Sometimes it's just nice to have that happy ending. I think we'd love happy endings, you know, like The Princess stories that Cinderella gets her happily ever after. And I feel like this is a story where it's kind of they get there happily ever after, with this huge trial, but it's in those huge trials that we overcome. And we develop, again, that character that they they got there happily ever after this story. It's a beautiful scripture story to show that.


Tamara Anderson  25:22 

Ah, thank you for sharing that insight. That's beautiful, Amy.


Amy Johnson  25:25 

It just, I often will say, people will say, ask me, Why would you do that crazy thing or odd thing. And I often say I've lived too long. And I've seen too much. And I know God lives. And I know he doesn't walk abandon us. And so I know that if I will do whatever it is I feel like I'm supposed to do, there's something better on the other side. I know that, I just, I've lived too long, I've seen too much. And whatever that better is. That's what that better is. And so I think I think for me, I look at this, and I say these midwives have this great courage, and then came up with this great story of why that that was acceptable.


Amy Johnson  25:25 

And then like Wendi said, they were given this great blessing, which I kind of I'm still of opinion that a big family is a huge blessing. I come from a family of eight children. My mom and dad are almost at 47 grandchildren. And I, we're never lonely. We're never lonely. I have other friends that, especially in other countries that were only able to have one child or no children. And they're only they're sad. They feel empty, because there's nobody there. So I still have the opinion that having a house is an it is one of the greatest blessings of God, to have your keeps around you.


Tamara Anderson  27:09 

That is beautiful. Oh my goodness. Well, let's wrap this up. Favorite takeaways. Wendi you wanted to say something?


Wendi Christensen  27:16 

I was gonna say, Yeah, I want to point out one big huge thing too is, as Amy was talking that I realized. I think we forget that their courage, like for them to do what they did, it saved the life of Moses. Right? Because that's how Moses survived. That was a big part of Moses coming--this prophet, that Lord the Lord, that it shows that God has greater purposes. And that was a reason.


Wendi Christensen  27:42 

I'm sure he strengthened them to bless them. Because it actually saved the life of Moses for them to stand up and do what they did. And I think that's, that's huge, that they were able to, to stand up to this oppression and this cruelty and the, the higher law, they decided to live a higher law. They realized God's law must be obeyed, rather than living man's law, and it saved a prophet in the end, as well.


Tamara Anderson  28:13 

Well, I was just thinking how many, probably 1000s of lives and save 1000s of lives it impacted because they did not kill all those babies born. And we don't we don't know the time period here, but I'm sure it must have been several months, maybe even a year or two before the Pharaoh called them back and said, What the heck? You know, and, and, and, and, yeah, God intervened for sure in saving them and probably softened Pharaoh's heart. There's no other rhyme or reason behind it. You know, there really isn't.


Tamara Anderson  28:55 

And it it's also it's interesting to me you know, you fast forward in history to the time of Jesus being born. And the same circumstance happened but with a different result. You know, that so many babies were killed. And so that situation could repeated itself you know, here in the time of Moses, but it didn't. So it's there's several there are many miracles here as each child born and saved was a miracle, you know, and impacted generation so it's it's beautiful to see God intervening and changing so many lives. All right, let's do takeaways. Amy, takeaways from today's story and lessons.


Amy Johnson  29:46 

I just keep thinking that these midwives must have known who they really were, in order to have the courage to stand up to the government of the land and to choose God over that. They must have had, they must have really understood that they were divine, that they were children of God. And they must have really, truly understood that. In the end, his approval was all that matters. Because otherwise you don't really do that kind of thing.


Amy Johnson  30:21 

And I, I, so I, I love the scriptures, and I love making me, my story. And so for me, when I think about that, I think, okay, so I need to know, every day, that I am a child of God. And every day, I need to look around me and think, what is it God would have me do? Right here right now, in my time? That will then allow for his people to grow mighty. Because that's what they were doing. They were standing up, and they were saying, no, no, I know who I am. And I know whose I am. And so because I know I belong to God, I'm going to do whatever he would have me do so that his people can wax very mighty. And that's for me, that's what it's all about, is I've I love God, I fear God. And I fear more than anything not belonging to God, I want to be his. And so therefore, I will do what he tells me to do so that his people can wax mighty.


Tamara Anderson  30:21 



Wendi Christensen  31:37 

That's beautiful. Amy, I was thinking the same thing, just that lesson to fear God more than the people around me. You know, to not fear the opinions of people on the social media screaming out to me, you know, saying you should do this, or you should do this. Or, you know, what, what are my neighbors gonna think about me? What are the people in my congregation going to think about me if I do this, and this and this even.


Wendi Christensen  32:07 

But, but if I have a relationship with God, and I understand who he is, and more importantly, understand who I am in respect to him, and have faith in Him, then I will choose to do what is right. Because I love him. Not because it's going to help me look better or not look a certain way. Or it's going to increase the way that I look to other people. Or what other people are gonna think of me. That doesn't matter. What matters is what God thinks of me. And what I think of myself.


Tamara Anderson  32:47 

Yeah. Oh, beautiful. You guys are so amazing. I think my big takeaway honestly, is that God can inspire us how to walk through our fear as we choose faith. I think he inspired them to know what to do. First of all, in this situation, he inspired them to know what to say, when that crucial time came when they were facing the king again. And he can inspire each of us to know what to do, and what to say to in these moments of fear versus faith. I'm thankful to note that, that we can trust that he's not going to leave us alone that he will be with us and inspire us and strengthen us to act with faith when we're in that hard spot.


Tamara Anderson  33:45 

Ah, well ladies, thank you for joining me this morning. And thank you for joining us and listening to us talk about Shiphrah and Puah. And if nothing else, hopefully you've learned their names and learned something of how you can act with faith when you're faced with a fearful situation to and know that God will bless you for your faithful choices.


Tamara Anderson  34:09 

Thanks for tuning in to Bible Women & Bathrobes hosted by Women Warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women are the teachings of the Savior today with you. If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder, all opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful. And may Your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.


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