How Can I Prep For Life’s Storms Like Mrs. Noah?

bible women & bathrobes bible women story mrs. noah prepare safety women of the ark Jun 20, 2024

Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 22

Women of the Ark, Part 2



Tamara, Bonnie, and Wendi discuss Genesis 7 about how Noah's wife and the women of the Ark prepared for life's storms by keeping their faith grounded and their foundation solid. They reflected on how Noah and his family must have felt lonely and isolated in their preparations but also blessed to have each other. The group also delved into the symbolic significance of the Ark in the biblical story, exploring its representation of salvation and deliverance. They discussed how the Ark's protection and deliverance can be applied to modern times and reflected on the unique spiritual gifts and talents each person possesses to navigate life's storms.


Main Takeaways

  • From Wendi, “I think to those days, and navigating all of that and just the strength of the woman that she [Mrs. Noah] must have had to conquer and to do all of that and that the Lord can do that for me too. He can guide me and help me with all the heavy responsibilities that I have and He’s very aware of me in my world, whatever that world looks like to me.”
  • From Bonnie,  “If I will take the time and have the faith to build my own boat and to stand up and have faith to do whatever it takes, God really will be the wind in my sails. And he will deliver me”
  • From Tamara, “God is with us, no matter how long, or how hard any trial is that we go through that. He's there. And we can lean on him.” 


Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests


Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website:


Bonnie Randall

Bonnie Randall is a wife, mother, trainer, speaker, actress, copywriter, heart centered life coach and has also been a business and marketing consultant for over 20 years. Her real passion is to help people grow as individuals and teach them how to resolve limiting beliefs. Bonnie enjoys teaching about mental health, abuse prevention and recovery classes. She runs a trauma recovery support group and YouTube channel called, Come Off Conqueror, which helps survivors of abuse find Christ centered healing. Find out more at:


Wendi Christensen, LCSW

Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website:



Tamara Anderson  0:01  

How do you prepare for the storms of life? That is a really good question and we're going to kind of look at it through the eyes of Mrs. Noah and the women of the ark. As we dive into chapter seven of Genesis today, so stay tuned, I think we're going to find some interesting things in this chapter that can apply to us today. 


Tamara Anderson  0:27  

Welcome to Bible Women and Bathrobes, the podcast where faith meets comfort. Join us Tuesday and Thursday morning. As the gals from Women Warriors of Light and their guests, don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount. We explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood, and maybe even a few sleepy moments. tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.


Tamara Anderson  1:08  

Welcome to another episode of Bible Women and Bathrobes. I'm your host Tamra K. Anderson. And joining me is my co-host, Bonnie Randall. Hi, Bonnie Waring ladies, and my co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. Wendi Christensen Wendi. Welcome.


Wendi Christensen  1:24  

Thank you. Excited to be here.


Tamara Anderson  1:28  

And we're excited to do this second part in the story of the women of the Ark today. And last week, we talked about chapter six, and how there was a whole bunch of corruption on the earth and violence and God's like, we're wiping the slate clean, we're starting over Noah and your family, you guys need to build an ark, there's going to be a big flood. And you have a whole lot of work to prepare this ark, to gather animals gather food. And that's where we pick it up in chapter seven. And in verse one, it says, And the LORD said unto Noah, "Come thou and all thy house into the ark, for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation." I love this verse. I think this is a great verse to start this chapter with that God has been watching Noah and his family. And that he's seen that even amidst all this wickedness, I mean, pause and think everybody else was wicked. Everybody else. There was nobody else that was righteous. That the have I seen righteous before me in this generation? These people were able to live in a world of just extreme wickedness, and stay true to God. And it's amazing. Any thoughts on that verse or diving farther into the next couple of verses? Wendi, let's start with you.


Wendi Christensen  3:00  

Well, I'm just thinking, there, there had to be a lot of people on the earth. And, and so that's, I mean, that's a lot, only eight people on this whole entire earth that God created are able to be saved. And I know we're going to talk more about, you know, Rinoa goes and they they petition and they try and they call for other people to come. But they're truly I mean, they must have felt so alone is what I think, you know, if I look at today, sometimes in the world today, where I feel like Oh, does anyone think the way that I do or does anyone function the way that that I do? You know, and I think and and of course, there are people that I can relate to there are people around and I think that we find joy we find being able to relate to other people around us, but to think oh, there there are, there's nobody else but my family, my little family right here right now, that has a repentant heart and wants to serve God. I mean, that must have been somewhat lonely, I think, in some ways to feel that way to feel so alone and so isolated. But also what a blessing that he knew that he had his family for Noah. 


Tamara Anderson  4:19  



Bonnie Randall  4:20  

It makes me think about how do I keep my family on the straight and narrow, right again, like that just keeps populating in my head. This same theme of could we be the eight that are saved right like are we living in this world but not of this word? Like all those phrases, right? That come come to mind and I just keep thinking about like, what am I doing to teach my kids? What am I doing to make sure that we Don't veer off, veer off the path and thinking about what did this family do? I wonder if they distance themselves a little bit? I don't know. Maybe they went to go live in like, the jungle or something. I mean, I don't. There's not a jungle in that area. Just kidding. But who knows, maybe there was but but like, what did they do to keep themselves safe and to keep them from being off? But then, Amy, Wendi, I mean, said that they went off to try to bring people, right. So like, they have to have been close enough to other people, they couldn't have totally isolated themselves. They had to have known other people, right. But I don't know, my mind is just spinning with all of these things that I need to make sure I'm doing. As a mom, I like prepare and keep my kids because we've got storms coming. And we have storms all the time happen in our lives, right. We have challenges we have divorce, we have, you know, money problems, people lose, losing their jobs, you have sickness, and so many different things that stir us up, and if we are grounded in our faith, will be able to withstand the storm, right? Like, is my foundation solid enough that I can handle? What's coming?


Tamara Anderson  6:29  

Yeah. Well, I think that's a good question is is what are we doing to prepare for the storms, you know, it for Noah and his family, they had very specific instructions, you know, you need to build the ark. And we talked about symbolically building an ark last episode. But then the gathering, the gathering the animals, the gathering of the food, they were on this ark, they ended up being on the ark shut in for approximately 370 days. So over a year. Think how much food your family would eat for a year, how much food all those animals would eat for a year. This is not a simple undertaking, and I'm sure that misses Noah. And Noah and his sons and their daughters in law, they had to work really hard to gather food to preserve food to prepare. So wasn't just say a prayer. And hey, we're good. You know, this is say a prayer, go to work. Move forward with faith, but you are working your tail off in the meantime, you know what I mean?


Bonnie Randall  7:41  

In your research, did you happen to see how long it took them to build the ark? Did it say that? 


Tamara Anderson  7:49  

You know, there are several estimates and I saw everywhere from you know, it can it could be done quickly. That was your only focus. But there were just I as I'd researched, there were just a variety of estimates, anywhere from two years to 70-80 years. The truth is, we just don't know, we don't know. And, and I mean, in some ways, how long it took probably doesn't matter as much as they stayed true to the, you know, commandment of God to keep working towards that until the task was accomplished. You know? I don't know. 


Bonnie Randall  8:32  

I asked because, again, like they were living in such crazy times this wickedness, right. They must have been like, when is deliverance coming right? Again, this whole theme of deliverance that comes up over and over and over again in the Bible. And they must have just been praying and praying and pray and like we kind of want the flood like this is insane. Can we just like half the deliverance and I hear a lot of different people now saying I can just Jesus come again, like can the Second Coming cam because this is just getting insane. And it makes me think of that song that I alluded to last time. Build a boat by Colton Dixon and he says just a couple of words that I really feel like my heart cries out all the time. You're the light he says you're wandering I've been wandering through the desert ain't seen a cloud and forever over me but I believe your rain is coming. You're the light I put my trust in every word you say is gonna come true. You will lead me to the Promised Land. Everything you say is going to happen. Even though I haven't seen it yet. I will build a boat in the sand where they say it never rains. I will stand up and faith. I'll do everything it takes your wind in my sails. Your love never fails or fades I'll build a boat in the desert place. And the rest of the song is just so beautiful too.


Bonnie Randall  10:00  

 But for me, this song really brought to life, Noah, and what they were going through and thinking about how here we are in the middle of all this chaos, right now, there's so many wars, there's just, it's insanity out there. And I pray for my Promised Land. All the time. I pray for deliverance, I pray for guidance, I pray for protection, I pray for knowing how I can keep my family safe, because I'm terrified. And then I'm always reminded that my kids were born at this time for a reason. They were born with extra gifts and talents and things that will prepare them for what's coming. And I needed to trust that the Lord gave them to me for a reason that he put them on this earth at this time for a reason. And I have to trust that deliverance will come no matter how long it takes to build that ark. And no matter how long it takes for that deliverance to come, I have to trust that it will. Right. And I wonder if these women and these these families had ever had moments of like, this is so hard.


Tamara Anderson  11:17  

No doubt that they did. Okay, Bonnie.


Bonnie Randall  11:21  

The gorillas are not like cooperating or whatever, right? But like, we can do it, we can do this. I hope.


Tamara Anderson  11:29  

Wendi any thoughts on what Bonnie said.


Wendi Christensen  11:34  

I love it. And that is so beautiful. And I you know, just as I was preparing and listening, I had, there was a lady who talked about, you know, that some of the experiences that they would have had, and as you're talking Bonnie, it made me remember she said, when they were building the ark, it was told to have a cover like that there was there was to be a cover on the ark. And there was only one entrance in and out. And she actually compared it to a savior. Like that, that the ark was like, like the Savior that would cover and protect us. And there was only one way to God, like salvation to deliverance to. To, to making it right, there was only one way to salvation, and that the art kind of became symbolic of the Savior. And I never thought of that before. And just as you were talking Bonnie, that made me think it's kind of that's true for our day, right? Like, here was so much wickedness on the earth. There was there like, there were there, there were no other people that were righteous enough to save besides the besides these eight people and these animals. And and of course, it would make sense that the Ark would be like symbolic of the Savior, there's only one way for us to be saved on this earth. And that is through our Savior, Jesus Christ, and how much faith they must have had, and putting their trust in this ark is going to save us. This is the only thing that's coming between us and destruction is this ark, and that it will save us and there was only one way in and one way out. And how beautiful that is that as we turn to our savior in these challenging times, in these scary moments, I don't know if I will be delivered, but we look to Him to be our deliver and our salvation, no matter how long it takes no matter if it's 370 days of being on water. And looking to that deliverance, that he really is the person that will deliver us and I thought that was just a beautiful analogy to look at the Ark being like, like the Savior in our lives. 


Tamara Anderson  13:48  

Oh, that is such a beautiful insight. Thank you for sharing that. So let's keep going with this story in chapter seven. And so God basically tells Noah to bring the animals on and then in verse four, he says, Forget seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights and every living substance that I have made well I destroyed from off the face of the earth. And then in verse five, it says And no, I'm just going to add his family debt according and to all that the Lord commanded him. And and then it says he was 600 years old when the floodwater started in verse seven it says a Noah went in and his sons and his wife and his sons wives with him into the ark, because of the waters of the flood. And I'm gonna pause right there and just say, you know, they'd worked hard the day finally came. It's time. It's time and instead he says in one week's time, it's going to start. So get on board, and I think there must have been a lot of emotion hands going for Noah and his family at that point in time, you know, we've been working for this kind of like all of us, right? We're working, we're trying to stay true to God, as we prepare for the second coming. They were trying to stay true to God and a time of wickedness. And finally, God's like, Okay, it's time. And there must have been some sense of okay, relief, it's finally here. Let's move forward. But also, there had to have been some sorrow. Also, because, I mean, they lived among these people, you pause and think, these daughters that married into the family, their family was really probably out there. Do you know what I mean? Like them knowing? I'm gonna go say goodbye. You know what I mean? I don't know. I mean, I'm just speculating at this time. But there were people that they probably knew and loved. But you know, and it says, No, it was a preacher of righteousness. And second Peter. And so you know, it's not like they didn't try


Wendi Christensen  16:05  

And Noah is 600 years old, which means his wife was too and they had known a lot of people. 600 years, right? Yeah.


Tamara Anderson  16:13  

Yeah. But they were true. And they they went on the ark. And verse nine, and they went into and to unto the Ark of Noah was talking about the animals and male and females, God commanded Noah. And they brought them all on. Oh, my word. Can you imagine the undertaking that must have been? I mean, I'm sure God blessed them. There must have been some animal whispers among the posterity of Noah, that's all I can say. I have a couple of kids. Like I have one son in particular, that is, like animals that are leery of most people will come up to him. And just like, dogs, they seem to sense in him like so I'm sure that was probably one of the gifts somewhere in the Noah family, you know that. There had to be some animal whispers in there, because that was a big part of their job. And you know, so anyway, so they went into the ark. And then in verse 11, the windows of heaven opened, and it just rained and rained and rained and rain and rain. And it says an in the selfsame day, I entered Noah Shem, Ham Japheth, the sons of Noah and Noah's wife and the three wives of his sons with them into the ark, they and every beast after their kind, and they went in, and they shut it up. And they were in there over a year, because of this rain that just completely covered the earth. And you know, what's crazy is nothing like that had ever happened before. And it kind of paused and made me think last time I was shut up with my family was during COVID. And they had to have like, I don't know, spiritual fortitude to even last that long. I know, after a while, I was just like, I know, I got a little stir crazy during COVID. And I had to go out on my back patio when all the rest of my family was inside and just say Mommy needs a timeout. So I'm picturing Mrs. Noah every once in a while just needing her own. And thank goodness the ark was big enough, you could probably find maybe not a quiet corner because it was so full of animals and they had plenty of work but a moment where you could take some time I need some alone time God. I don't know. Any thoughts on on anything up to that point in the chapters? Bonnie, let's start with you.


Bonnie Randall  18:50  

Well, you talked about like, there must have been an animal whisperer in and and I know that you're kind of joking. But I it did actually make me like immediately thought my kids have some really unique gifts that are that have prepared them for the storms of life. And I really want to pull that out and think about how are we uniquely prepared for what's going on in our lives. What have we done to prepare right like going to church right? There's all the Sunday School answers that we like to say praying all those things. But what are the gifts and talents that we have uniquely given to us? Do we have people who are animal whispers are among us are people whispers there are people who have great talents to bring peace and comfort to others around them. There are people who have I can't remember where it is in the the gifts of the Spirit that are talked about the Romans. I don't remember again.


Tamara Anderson  19:54  

Oh yeah.


Bonnie Randall  19:58  

But he talks about the gifts of The Spirit end, there are so many gifts and of the Spirit. And there's many talents that if you look back on all these different prophets, and just taking Noah alone, the talents that they must have had to be able to prepare the food, right? They had to know how to preserve, they had to know how to build if they had to understand the animal they had to probably there's probably someone amongst them that was like a great mediator to handle any in squabbling that might have happened in those 370 days. Right? Like, what what are the gifts that we are cultivating? And the talents again, makes me think that the parable of the talents, right, like we're given these things, to multiply them and to use them and to bless others lives? How am I cultivating my gifts? And using them? Right, like, just a thought for us to consider?


Tamara Anderson  20:58  

No, that's that's a really good insight, Wendi.


Wendi Christensen  21:04  

I wonder, you know, thinking back to COVID, because you mentioned COVID, one of the things that I've seen come out of COVID was a lot of people came out of it with high anxiety and high fear. Like I, I do counseling, and my counseling doubled, after COVID. Like it just skyrocketed, because it was still, there was still so much fear and anxiety. So I kind of look at did they know like, did they have any clue what was going to happen? I don't think they probably knew how long they were going to be on the boat. I don't know, maybe the Lord revealed that to them. But you have to wonder, did they have any clue? They they must have had some idea that you know, as far as preparations and making preparations for themselves and for the animals, they must have had some idea how long they were going to be there. But I'm sure there had to be have been moments where it was that unknown? When are we going to be delivered? When are we going to you know, sending we'll read about later, like sending the dove out and is the dove going to bring anything back? And are we gonna be able to get on dry land again, and how they must have to me that, you know, there were times during COVID That I heavily relied on God to be like, we don't know what's going to happen. It was scary. It was scary to go grocery shopping, if you remember like it was first that first month especially like it was such a an ordeal to have to go grocery shopping, because you were like, is it okay, is it safe? Can I do it? You know, it just it makes you stop and wonder what were some of their feelings? And their thoughts of? Are we going to make it through this? How long is this going to be? We're doing it but what does that look like? And then when we get there, what does that look like? And how much they really must have relied upon God and their faith, to really pull them through right to pull them through this ordeal. And to know that we're going to get through this, there is going to be a place for us we are going to be able to continue you progressing. And we will be delivered. Just like we had to have faith that there was going to be some deliverance from COVID. Right? And that we are somehow going to get through this and that my kids are going to learn something, I'm going to learn something from this that is going to greatly benefit me. And I don't know I just I really think about how much faith they really must have had and relying upon the Lord as they're doing these mundane tasks on a ship, day after day, for a whole year, even over a year, because I mean COVID Did last a long time. And I think the repercussions of that have lasted a long time. But we kind of had to deliverance day too right where things started like to remember when things started to kind of open up and yay our kids get to go to school, they have to wear masks, but they get to go to school and like step by step and little by little things started opening up for us. And just really, really being grateful of how much we can rely on a God that knows more than us during those those times when we don't see the end from the beginning, I guess. Yeah.


Tamara Anderson  24:19  

It's true. One thing that as you were talking just popped into my mind was they had to have deepened their faith and devotion during that time. Because I remember, I remember being shut up and during COVID and and I had to pray a whole lot more. Like I said, like you mentioned, I, I eat. I had to find new and different ways to be able to calm my anxiety and stuff like that because things were so different and I think that must have been true for them as well, that they had to pray and rely on God and each other. I'm sure there were bad days, I'm sure there were bad weeks on the ark, do you know what I mean? And really, they had to rely on God, I think being that isolated, there was no other choice. And so their faith had to be strong to get on the ark, but then it had to be strong to remain true on the ark, when emotionally and mentally, it was probably a different level of weariness in a lot of different ways that weighed on them. And, and so the only way we get through stuff like that is when savior, you know, relying on God. We had lots of discussions, you know, with my kids during COVID, like, what can we do to fill our bucket inside? You know? And, and, and are we doing them, because when we week turns into two turns into three months, turns it, I mean, you know, it gets old and it gets boring. And so the only way to get through that, honestly, is continually keeping that relationship going with God. And he's the one that pulled them through. He had to bless them and strengthen them. There was no other way, you know what I mean? So, I think they went into the ark with a level of faith, but they probably came out of the ark with a way greater level of faith and trust in God. Then, they even had when they went in, and that had to develop through that hard time. I don't know. Oh, my goodness, we need to probably start wrapping this section, this chapter up. Any final thoughts and takeaways? Wendi, let's start with you.


Wendi Christensen  27:10  

Just again, as you were talking, and I thought, isn't it, I'm sure Noah's wife just tried to put myself in her shoes for a minute. You know, during COVID, I felt like, I was so in charge of my home, right? Like my home became my sanctuary. And I think that the moms kind of become the CEOs of their home. And to think that Noah's wife was the CEO of the of the ark, really, like, that was her home, right? And she wants to make it a home for her family. And I just, I, my heart just goes out to her because I'm thinking of all these animals, and just the, the nitty gritty of like, you know, they're, they're, they're pooping, like it's messy, or smells, and there had to be so much that how do you keep it clean? How do you keep it organized? How do you keep this arK organized and making sure that spirits are up, and she must have had a huge job in front of her, and I hope that her daughters -in-law, were wonderful women that would, you know, help her out in all those tasks. And, and, you know, Noah and his sons were also very helpful, you just hope and pray that they just work together, they would have to just all share that low, right? Even if it even sharing that load. I feel like a lot of times, it does fall on the mom, to make sure that things are in order, you know, she had to thought, Okay, where's my food supply at? What do we have left, you know, in the kitchen, what's going on, as far as you know, just the faith, and the stature, I would love to know so much more about her. And just understand, you know, how she did it. And just having that hope that okay, she could do it and organize the ark, God must have helped her and he can help me in doing all the responsibilities that we carry as women, you know, and in our day to that he must have been so aware of her and, and I would I like to hope that she had angels attending her and helping her blessing her and giving her strength, and that he does the same for us. Because we have so much on our plates nowadays. And so many responsibilities and the care of our kids and the care of our home. And also outside of that to write with, how do I help them navigate the difficulties of our day with how we get it sometimes feels similar, I think to those days, and just navigating all of that and just the strength of the woman that she must have been to conquer to do all of that and that the Lord can do that for me too. That He can guide me and help me with all the heavy responsibilities that I have and he's very aware of me in in my world, whatever that world looks like to me.


Tamara Anderson  29:58  

Yeah, wonderful. Bonnie.


Bonnie Randall  30:03  

My biggest takeaway takes me back to the song that I, if I will take the time, and have the faith, to build my own boat. And to stand up and faith and do whatever it takes that God really will be the wind in my sails. And that he will deliver me, and that I may have some time waiting on the Lord for deliverance. But I can remember that my children and I are prepared, we've come to this earth, with gifts. With talents, we've been given special abilities to handle the craziness of what's going on. And if I can just ask Heavenly Father and ask the Savior to be with me to guide me and show me which gifts need to be cultivated, which ones to use at certain times, but he will lead me on each of my daily errands and helped me prepare my kids so that they stay faithful, and that we can be like Noah's family and leave a legacy of righteousness behind. And that we can be one of those families that creates a safe place and a refuge for others, to feel safe in Christ's hands. And know that he will deliver them to, because what we've been delivered, we have almost like a responsibility to share it, and to help others now that they too can build a boat right, these stories are preserved for a reason, because they're examples to us. So if we take them as such, we'll be okay.


Tamara Anderson  31:57  

Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Wow, you guys have shared so many good things. There's a final verse in this chapter that says, verse 24, And the waters prevailed upon Earth 150 days. We don't know how long the trials we face are going to last. Some seem to last way longer than we think they will. And I'm sure the same was true for Noah and Mrs. Noah and their family. That it was long, and it was hard. And I guess my my thought here is that God is with us, no matter how long, or how hard any trial is that we go through that. He's there. And we can lean on him. And the other phrase that's kind of been going through my mind is actually a phrase from Esther, is that she had come forth for such a time as this. And I would say the same thing of Noah and Mrs. Noah and their family. They were there for such a time as this and God had prepared them didn't mean it was easy. But he helped them make it through that difficulty and we can get through any difficulty with God's help. I I know that. All right, guys, we'll wrap it up. Thank you for joining us today on this episode, where we talked about Noah and his wife and their women of the ark. Join us next week for chapter eight and till then lean on God, he can get you through anything. 


Tamara Anderson  33:45  

Thanks for tuning in to Bible Women and Bathrobes hosted by Women Warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women are the teachings of the Savior today with you. If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder, all opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful. And may Your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.


Transcribed by