In Our Weeping, God Abides

faith in christ god is there hope in adversity hope in hard times not alone peace in christ Sep 28, 2022

My Beloved Warriors of Light,

A few weeks ago, I had a heartwarming conversation with my daughter. She shared one of her favorite short verses from the Bible: "Jesus wept." I asked her what drew her to this verse, and her answer was simple yet profound. She said it shows that even as God, Jesus could feel and relate to us in our moments of sorrow and grief.

That short verse, "Jesus wept," lingered in my heart for the following weeks. I began to contemplate its significance and what it means to me when I'm in the midst of weeping. I reflected on the times in my life when I found myself at rock bottom—grieving, weeping, utterly crushed before God.

In my contemplation, I gleaned a few important lessons:

Resources for Tearful Times

  1. My journey into the depth of the "Jesus wept" verse took me to the story of Jesus weeping with Mary and Martha before He miraculously raised Lazarus from the dead. I explore this story in my podcast episode, Where is God When I'm Weeping? You can watch it on YouTube here.
  2. Paul's journey led him to his closet floor, weeping when he learned his son had Down Syndrome. Little did he know that this very child would transform him and reveal God's presence in his life. Paul shares his powerful story of growth and God's intervention in the episode, Paul Taylor: How is God in the Details of our Lives? You can watch it on YouTube here.
  3. I share a deeply personal experience where my son Nathan kept me up all night crying, and despite my best efforts, I found myself weeping before God. What transpired afterward was a pivotal moment where God taught me a profound lesson. You can read this heartfelt story on my blog, God Where are You? The Night Angels Consoled My Weeping.
  4. Have you ever heard me talk about the story that initiated my journey into writing and podcasting? It all began one night when I was weeping before God, questioning why I had two children with autism and yearning for a "normal" family. Life was incredibly challenging at the time. In 4 Surefire Steps to Solve Life's Problems. I share this story and what God whispered to me during my moment of weeping.

Always remember, God sees you when you are weeping. He knows you, He loves you, and He is with you. Trust that even though "weeping may endure for the night, joy cometh in the morning" (Psalm 30:5).

Mary and Martha wept, Joseph wept, Hannah wept, David wept, and Jesus wept. You are not alone in your weeping.

So, my dear sisters, hold on, even in your tears. Keep your hope alive, for God is with you, embracing you in your weeping moments.

With unwavering hope,
